Prevention (Australia)

Start where you are


If you haven’t done any sort of exercise for while, that’s fine. What’s crucial is that you start, right now. Check in with your GP first, then start with 5-10 minutes of brisk walking five days a week, and slowly build up until you’re able to walk for 25-30 minutes per session. Once you are ready, your weekly walking plan will include the three routines from our program, plus other exercises you already enjoy to get a bit of variety. Our bodies adapt to whatever exercise we are doing over a period of time, according to personal trainer Deazie Gibson, which means you’ll eventually burn less kilojoules doing the same walk you once did. To keep that burn going, vary your workouts by choosing a new route or terrain or adding light weights. You can also add easy routines into your day that work on different parts of your body:


Walking uphill activates 25 per cent more muscle fibres than strolling on flat terrain, leading to a firmer butt. For best results, find a hill that takes 2 to 2½ minutes to climb.


To zero in on shaping your abs, focus on drawing your abs in toward your spine while you walk. Try to maintain the contractio­n throughout your walk, but don’t hold your breath.


Do this quick workout anywhere there are stairs, to tone your legs and boost your kilojoule burn – and it only takes five minutes:

1. Walk up and down one flight normally

2. Slowly walk up sideways, crossing bottom foot over top foot. Keep head up. Walk down normally. Repeat, facing the opposite direction.

3. Step up on first stair, then down, starting with right foot (right up, left up, right down, left down) 10 times. Repeat, starting with left foot.

4. Climb stairs two steps at a time; come down quickly using each step.

5. Run up; walk down normally.

6. Repeat numbers 4 and 5 another four times. 7. At bottom, place right foot on first or second step, bend knees and lower into a lunge. Keep right knee directly over ankle as you do so. Push off with right foot to return to start. Repeat with left leg. Alternate for 20 lunges, total.

8. Walk up and down normally one time.

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