

The Dutch classics rider and super- domestique on the Ronde and life in Monaco


Where’s home? At the moment, Monaco. I’m from Zoetermeer, near Den Haag in Holland, in the west.

What’s your favourite race?

The Tour of Flanders, because of the spectators around the course. It’s a magic week in Belgium. From Sunday to Sunday they are full gas about Flanders. It was strange last year without fans; it was different without the beer smell.

What’s your favourite climb?

I like the Kwaremont, because it’s a bit longer than the others at Flanders and suits me better than the Paterberg or Koppenberg. I think for a Dutchie it always has to be Alpe d’Huez though, because there’s always a party there. We have to hope that people are allowed back on the climb. We had it a few times at the Tour where there was no one on the climbs. It was so weird.

Where in the world would you like to get lost on your bike?

Somewhere with a nice coffee and cake shop. I’ve never been there on the bike, but I’d love to go to Los Angeles for a training camp.

What’s your secret talent?

If I said, it wouldn’t be a secret any more. I like watching darts. I can’t really play though. I can throw them, but I’m not very good at it.

What’s the best prize you’ve won?

I once won a diamond, when I was 15 or 16. I did a race in Belgium, and the prize was a small diamond, which was pretty cool.

What’s the last app you downloaded?

Waze. It’s a navigation app with speed controls on it as well.

If you had one extra hour in the day what would you do?

I would like to see more of Monaco. I’ve lived here for two years but I still haven’t explored it that much.

How do you let your hair down?

In these times, going to the supermarke­t and seeing if they have new things. I just enjoy that.

What result are you proudest of?

I think my stage win at the Dauphiné. My first years as a pro, I wasn’t the climber that I’ve become now. To win a mountain stage like that was something that I never would have expected.

When were you last star struck?

I was at the gas station and Lewis Hamilton came past, running with his trainer. You wouldn’t expect that when you’re just filling your car up.

What advice would you give your teenage self?

I would have told myself to go earlier to somewhere I could climb a bit more. It was much better for my career that I moved to Monaco and climbed more.

What’s your best cycling hack?

It’s nice to go out for a bike ride with a clean bike. Get on top of it and keep it that way.

What’s been your toughest day?

“I was at the gas station and Lewis Hamilton came running past with his trainer. You don’t expect that”

My first Tour, we went over the Col d’Aspin and the Tourmalet before finishing up another climb. We blew up, our whole team.

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