

SD- Worx’s young Scottish climber on drawing, unread emails and Off Menu


“In my email I think I have over 3,000 unread. People get really agitated when they see it, but it doesn’t bother me”

Where’s home?

A town called Milngavie, just north of Glasgow. It’s where I grew up. I moved to Manchester for the Academy, and then I was there until June, but I didn’t want to live there, so I moved back to Scotland. With Brexit, the visa situation is quite hard. I want to move out to Girona, because that would help.

What’s your favourite race?

I think my favourite races are the ones in places that I wouldn’t normally go to. We did a block of races in the Basque Country in May, and I really enjoyed that. It was near Pamplona, and I don’t think I’d go there on holiday, so it was different.

What’s your favourite climb?

Every time I ride when I am back home, there’s one that I go up called the Crow Road. I seem to always go up it. I think my best time up it is about 13 minutes. I don’t really time myself.

Where in the world would you like to get lost on your bike?

I think somewhere like Canada, because you could go for miles and miles and not see anyone else. That’s what I quite like about Scotland sometimes, that you don’t see any houses for miles.

What’s your secret talent?

I quite like to draw. I used to draw and paint a lot. I would quite like to get back into that. I was painting cards over lockdown, to send to my family.

What’s the best prize you’ve won?

I was thinking about this...

I think I need to win more for this question! I’d probably say when I was racing mountain bikes, I got a lot of bike cleaning stuff, which is a really good prize because it is really expensive when you have to buy it. Pretty useful.

If you had one extra hour in the day what would you do?

I would probably answer all the emails that I have been putting off and all the messages that I don’t reply to. In my email I think I have over 3,000 unread. People get really agitated when they see it, but it doesn’t bother me that much.

How do you let your hair down?

Over lockdown I got into listening to podcasts. I find that quite nice to relax and I also listen to them on my rides. I think my favourite one is probably Off Menu, with James Acaster and Ed Gamble, I really enjoy that. When I listen to them on my ride I find myself laughing at them. People must think I’m really weird, giggling on my bike.

When were you last star struck?

I don’t really get star struck, but I do find myself in surreal situations. We were at a race and Ineos were staying in the same hotel, and I was in a lift with a few of them. This time last year I didn’t think I would be in a lift with Adam Yates and whatnot.

What advice would you give your teenage self?

Probably just to not worry and stress about stuff too much, because everything just sorts itself out. I turned 20 and I felt like I was getting old, but I’m still so young.

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