Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

Editor’s Note


WHAT’S THE MOST DARING THING YOU’VE EVER DONE? We posed that question to a group of readers recently and expected it to be entirely stories about adventure sports, thrill rides, foreign travel going awry, horror movie marathons… Not even near. Seems none of these pre-planned white-knuckle events measure up to the heart-pumping terrors that life throws at us, often with little notice. Turn to page 5 for a glimpse at the rawer side of readers’ lives.

A common theme? Agreement that while nobody would have chosen their terrifying ordeal, there’s a comforting pride and honour in getting through it intact and feeling all the stronger because of it.

We hope you enjoy our expanded puzzle section this issue, plus our bumper collection of quips, puns and Santa-styled jokes. They’re corny enough for any bon bon and with the sparkle of a tinsel-topped angel.

From everyone here at Reader’s Digest, here’s wishing you and your family a lovely holiday, and much joy in the weeks to come. Until next time,

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