Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

The Great Tweet-off: Office Edition


People spend the majority of their adult lives at work – and apparently a hefty chunk of that time tweeting about it. “I want to hate my life in a different building” – person looking for a new job. @INTERNETHI­PPO

Adorable idea. Colleagues have been writing names on their food in the office fridge. I am currently eating a yoghurt called Debbie. @FUSSYSAFFA

Interviewe­r: What’s your greatest strength? *45 minutes later* Me: I’m very comfortabl­e with silence. @ROLLININTH­ESEAT

Office fun. Replace your coworker’s mouse with a larger mouse so he thinks his hands are shrinking. Then call him ‘baby hands’ until he quits. @VINEYILLE

The problem with teaching a man to fish is that eventually someone will microwave that fish in the work break room. @THECATWHIS­PRER

St. Peter: Why should I let you into heaven? Me: Once a colleague said ‘supposably’ seven times in a meeting and I just let her. St. Peter: Get in here. @ABBYCOHENW­L

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