Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

All in a Day’s Work



My six-year-old son asked to see the academic book I’d written recently. I handed him a copy, and he carefully examined the pages. When he was done, he closed the book and, looking perplexed, asked, “Dad, do you understand any of this?”


It’s tax time. Don’t try these excuses for being late; they didn’t work the first time they were used: ■ “I could not complete my tax return because my husband left me and took our accountant with him.” ■ “I suffer from late-filing syndrome.” ■ “I haven’t had time because a baby

magpie flew into my house and I have to stay in to feed it.” ■ “A wasp in my car caused me to have an accident, and my tax return, which was inside, was destroyed.” Sources: Accounting­ and The Telegraph

OVERHEARD An associate to his employer: “Sorry I’m late. I got stuck behind someone going the speed limit.” SUBMITTED BY MARY JO MARSH

TIME MANAGEMENT I just realised that “Let me check my calendar” is the adult version of “Let me ask my mum.” SUBMITTED BY NOELLE CHATHAM

THE GREAT ESCAPE While supervisin­g students on the playground during recess, I asked a six-year-old boy to stop climbing a fence overlookin­g the school’s parking lot. Reluctantl­y, the boy made his way back down to the ground.

His friend walked by and told him, “There’s no escaping from school.” SUBMITTED BY LENA DESJARDINE­S

SKIN OF HIS TEETH After photograph­ing my client for a few minutes, I felt compelled to stop shooting and say, “I’ve got to tell you, that’s a great smile you have.”

Beaming, he said, “Thanks, I got it for my birthday.” SUBMITTED BEVERLY GUHL

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