Science Illustrated

Small “bus modules” come when you call


The Next Future Transporta­tion company has come up with a new city bus concept. Now, buses have fixed routes and schedules, but the Next buses will be made up of small, driverless modules that work out the route according to passengers’ requiremen­ts. One module picks up passengers, who have booked a ride via an app. En route, the module can hook up with other modules on the same route, resulting in a ”regular” bus, where passengers going the same way collect in the same module. It is also possible to call service modules with cafés or toilets, which hook up with the “bus”. According to the company, the system can reduce traffic by up to 78 % as compared to other driverless solutions, which are not made up of modules.

 ??  ?? A Next module can seat six, and another four passengers can stand up.
A Next module can seat six, and another four passengers can stand up.

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