Science Illustrated

Probe to Seek Life on Enceladus

The Enceladus moon could include life under the ice. So, the ELF spacecraft is to fly through the geysers of the south pole, looking for signs of life.


NASA aims to develop the Enceladus Life Finder (ELF) to try to find out if the ocean on Saturn's Enceladus moon includes life as we know it from Earth. The probe will be the successor of the Cassini Mission. Bringing two more accurate spectromet­ers, ELF will also fly through the geysers on the moon’s south pole at an altitude of 50 km to measure the geyser’s contents of special amino acids, fat, and hydrocarbo­ns, which are indication­s of biological life. A positive answer to the three testers would be a strong indication of biological processes in the ocean of the icy moon.

 ??  ?? On Enceladus' south pole, geysers belch material settling as surface stripes. NASA GEYSER
On Enceladus' south pole, geysers belch material settling as surface stripes. NASA GEYSER

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