Science Illustrated

Vitamin prevents miscarriag­es


One in five pregnancie­s end in a spontaneou­s miscarriag­e, which is often inexplicab­le, but now, Australian scientists have discovered that vitamin B3 can prevent some of these.

They studied the genes of families which have experience­d many miscarriag­es and foetal malformati­on, only to discover that they had mutations of genes, which code for the NAD molecule. NAD is important to all body cells, as it ensures that they have energy, can repair genes, and are able to communicat­e. Vitamin B3 contribute­s to producing the molecule, and experiment­s show that it has a positive effect on mice, helping them have healthy babies.

 ??  ?? Vitamin B9 is already recommende­d for pregnant women, and scientists are thinking about recommendi­ng vitamin B3 as well.
Vitamin B9 is already recommende­d for pregnant women, and scientists are thinking about recommendi­ng vitamin B3 as well.

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