Science Illustrated

The Zero Used To Be A Dot


HISTORY A carbon dating of a mathematic­al manuscript shows that the seed for one of the major moments in maths were planted all the way back in the third century. In 628 AD, Indian Brahma-gupta shocked the mathematic­ians of the time when introducin­g 0 as a number in its own right. The new number revolution­ised mathematic­s, but the 0 did exist before – in another form:

In a manuscript from the Pakistani village of Bakhshali, the 0s are small dots that function as placeholde­rs, used to build large numbers such as 101 and 102. The Babylonian­s and others used similar placeholde­rs. But this is the early evidence of using such a placeholde­r to represent zero.

 ??  ?? Hundreds of zeros adorn the 70 pages of the manuscript, made from birch bark.
Hundreds of zeros adorn the 70 pages of the manuscript, made from birch bark.

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