Science Illustrated

Special enzyme makes the blood coagulate

The robot can feel it, when it is approachin­g a cancer tumour, releasing its load of thrombin enzymes, which make the blood coagulate.


1 The DNA robot

flows with the blood towards the

cancer tumour in a rolled-up version. At this point, the robot's load of enzymes has no access to the blood.

2 Close to the tumour,

the robot encounters proteins that are unique to cancer cells. This makes the robot unroll, so it can release its load of thrombin.

3 Now, the thrombin has

free access to the blood, in which it activates the body's natural coagulatin­g substances and produces chains of fibrin, which is normally involved in ulceration.

4 The blood clot

is formed by the coagulatin­g blood, blocking the blood vessel, so the tumour receives no oxygen nor nutrients. This eliminates the cancer tumour.

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