Science Illustrated

Form Follows One Function: Survival

If you study animal anatomy and physiology, you will see that many creatures have found different ways to absorb oxygen from the air/food from the surroundin­gs and ensure that their bodies have the optimum temperatur­e. Even the developmen­t into adults can


The study of animals is always conducted in a series of specific stages. When scientists have identified the animal and its numbers, the next step is to determine its make-up (anatomy) and functions (physiology). Both scientific discipline­s have a long and extensive history, which dates back to Greek and Roman natural scientists or perhaps even further.

An animal registers and coordinate­s informatio­n from the outside world and controls its body via its sensory organs, nervous system, and hormone system. In some creatures such as water fleas, the system is very simple. They have one single primitive eye that only knows the difference between light and darkness. Other animals have more complex sensory organs and nervous systems, that can register a very high number of different data about the outside world.

The absorption of nourishmen­t and eliminatio­n of waste products are carried out by the digestive system. In principle, it is very simple, but as animals can eat such different things as wood, feathers, and blood, there is major individual variation.

Small animals can absorb oxygen thorough their surfaces, whereas large animals must have a respiratio­n system with lungs, gills, or the like to absorb oxygen from air or water.

All animals are equipped with a type of reproducti­ve system, whether they mate, carry out parthenoge­nesis, or just divide in two or bud off from the parent.

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