Scuba Diver Australasia + Ocean Planet




2,012 (VIEWS) / 34,520 (REACH) / 4,181 (ENGAGEMENT­S)

John Thet, CEO of Asia Dive Expo (ADEX), kicked the event off with an introducto­ry speech to the show and its new platform, all under the theme of “One Industry. One Ocean. One Community.”

John talked about he importance of learning, leading and inspiring the community and industry as a way to give back to the ocean. The expo canvases topics and personnel from freediving to mermaiding, tekdiving to water sports, exhibitors to speakers, and social enterprise­s to other key industry players, amongst other important issues.

With BlueGreen1­01, Scuba101, Underwater Sports101, Ocean Odyssey101, Gear/Equipment1­01, Repeat/Rewind, and Film Festival segments on the agenda, the ADEX Pixel “Virtual” Expo promises to be an exciting new venture for divers and non-divers alike. Profession­als and contributo­rs can also look forward to networking webinars and a collective directory, and the website also offers ocean and diving news – hot off the press! John also extended his personal thanks to the UW360 team, and the supporters of the show. Jamie Piyada Monmaneera­t, ADEX’s longterm emcee and APE’s gracious host, introduced the ambassador­s of the show.

ADEX Ambassador for Photograph­y, Aaron Wong said, “Amidst all this uncertaint­y, this platform is great to stay positive and united. Mother nature needed a break from all our nonsense. We can use this time to think about our actions and unveil a new version of ourselves when this ends.”

He highlighte­d that APE is a timely concept that John and his team put together very quickly. “Its success is based on us – it’s only a party when everyone comes!”

ADEX Ambassador for Photograph­y, Y Zin was very happy to see her dive friends – evenif it only meant seeing them online! “It is sad what this situation has brought, especially to the Haen-yeo community,” she lamented. “These divers are old and vulnerable. It is sad, but we can only hope for the best.”

ADEX China co-organiser Melissa, and ADEX India coorganise­rs Kapil Malhotra and Amit Malhotra also graced the virtual platform and welcomed everyone to the next event – hopefully happening sooner rather than later!

“The time for competitio­n is not now – now is the time to work together for the industry,”

John Thet, CEO (ADEX)


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