Scuba Diver Australasia + Ocean Planet



New research published in Science shows that Greenland sharks are the longest-lived vertebrate­s in the world, with radiocarbo­n dating revealing the oldest found to be 392 years old, plus or minus 150 years.

Greenland sharks live in the north Atlantic and grow up to six metres long, though only at a rate of a few centimetre­s a year. This slow growth rate leading to an adult of a large size is commonly an indicator of long-lived animals. Curious marine biologist John Steffensen at the University of Copenhagen, along with his graduate student Julius Nielsen, used radiocarbo­n dating and shark lengths to arrive at this astonishin­g figure.

Very little is known about this elusive species, though this new research suggests it is likely that females do not give birth to young until they are around 150 years old!

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