
“It’s money and adventure and fame! It’s the thrill of a lifetime and a long sea voyage that starts at six o’clock tomorrow morning!” That’s how showman Carl Denham pitched the original voyage to Skull Island in 1933’ s King Kong. Now there’s a new crew on their way to the remote Indonesian isle – and given it’s populated exclusivel­y by prehistori­c beasts, murderous tribesmen and blonde- hungering mega- monkeys we assume it comes with one hell of a travel warning from the foreign office. While there were rumblings that Joe Cornish would direct this Kong prequel, it’s The Kings Of Summer helmer Jordan Vogt- Roberts who’s landed the gig. He’ll direct from a screenplay by Max Borenstein, who penned this summer’s resurrecti­on of Godzilla for Legendary Pictures ( he’s also just signed to write Godzilla 2, the monster- crazed maniac).

Tom Hiddleston takes a break from Lokidom to score the lead role.

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