Mila Kunis star

- Joseph McCabe

Can you describe the relationsh­ip between your character, Jupiter, and Channing Tatum’s character, Caine ( right)?

My character meets him and he instantly takes her on this crazy journey, where there’s this really long action sequence, with a chase between aliens and spaceships in the middle of Chicago; and we shot it in the middle of Chicago. He’s like, “This is what happens” and “This is life” and “Here’s some aliens in their spaceships.” And she’s like, “This can’t be life. This is crazy. Am I hallucinat­ing? Maybe I’m under drugs?” He’s like, “No, no. This is real life.”

What’s the film’s emotional story?

It’s about destiny. I fall in love with him, he falls in love with me.

Was this the most physically challengin­g film you’ve worked on?

Yes. The whole film was a massive boot camp. I have no body fat in this movie for the first time in my life. [ Laughs.] For five days a week, you train every single day, for six months. Just work out all day long for six months and you too will have no body fat! [ Laughs.] We both got in trouble for losing too much weight. It was really bad.

Jupiter begins the film feeling as though she has no purpose. Have you ever felt that way?

I’ve never thought about a purpose, but I was always working or in school. Even at my lowest when I was trying to figure my life out or going through puberty I never doubted myself like Jupiter did. I always had a very good backbone, being my family. Which was always an incredible support system. So anytime I questioned anything it was never as dire as Jupiter. I think Jupiter feels like she’s alone. I’ve always been very lucky where I never felt alone.


6 Februar y

The DIRECTORS Wachowskis

STARS Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum,

Sean Bean

THE PITCH Mila! A- ah! She’ll save

every one of us!

 ??  ?? Mila Kunis: literally falling for Channing Tatum in Jupiter Ascending.
Mila Kunis: literally falling for Channing Tatum in Jupiter Ascending.

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