
Audiences know Peggy Carter from the movies. How did bringing her to TV differ from the developmen­t of Agents Of SHIELD? There were a lot chefs but in this case I think it helped bring together an extraordin­ary story and dialogue. And because it’s an eight- part series, you could tell a story with a beginning, middle and an end. It’s very different when you’re looking down the tunnel of 22 episodes which is a standard broadcast window.

Does this show integrate with the wider Marvel universe or is it another One- Shot? Both and neither. As we have often said, it’s all connected. We’re telling a story in that world if the studio was involved or not. It’s a big boon for our fans but at the same token Agent Carter needs to be, and is, a television series that if you have never seen anything by Marvel – and we know there are two or three people in Borneo that haven’t – then you still understand it and enjoy it.

Are you confident there’ll be a second series? At the end of the day, it’s the network’s decision of whether they want to continue and it will be made in conjunctio­n with how big of an audience we have. Creatively in terms of the writing staff, our showrunner­s and our extraordin­ary cast, we’d be happy to do two more or 100 more.

Peggy has an epic life. Are you commited to the ’ 40s/’ 50s setting or will you jump decades? It’s a really smart question. The short answer is yes, we’ve talked about trying to figure out if the next one would take place next day or years later.

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