Bet ter Red Than Dead


How did Abraham’s distinct look develop?

When we first started, Josh McDermitt — who plays Eugene — and myself, we both have similarly coloured hair and we both have similarly roundish faces. We both could be brothers out of Boston. Scott wanted to make sure we did not look at all similar. So they darkened his hair up, and my blond hair they turned red. Which is more like the colour in the graphic novel, if you look it up — because it’s bright Scooby- Doo Daphne orange. That’s what we went with. The moustache speaks for itself. The hair gets done every two weeks and the moustache we colour every day. Has Abraham had trouble adjusting to working with a broader group of people?

Well, I always say it’s much easier to have the holidays with your immediate family than with your extended family. They’re still family, but there’s still problems. We will be exploring those growing pains as the family gets larger. They’re getting past the point where they’re living from moment to moment. When that happens, you look at a bigger plan, and when you start factoring

a bigger plan, other issues arise. Can you talk about the scripts you’ve seen for the second half of this season? The whole thing has just been awesome. The writers do a great job of not diluting the stories. When they focus on certain characters, they’re focusing on those characters. And it’s okay to be in the background. But when you’re pulled to the front, you feel very honoured to be in this group of actors and performers and to tell those stories.

 ??  ?? It’s important to find time to smile.
It’s important to find time to smile.

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