Clear the cobwebs out of your ears, Hollywood


A proper Venom arc played out across three films and culminatin­g with Carnage as the primary villain of the third film. Marc Farmer

Donald Glover as Miles Morales. Anyone who’s seen Community knows he’d be perfect. Sarah Watts

I really, really want to see the gobby wisecracki­ng teenage Peter Parker. I don’t want angst, I want chutzpah and the Webhead to shine. Catherine Nugent

A Green Goblin that looks like the original Goblin and not a demented Power Ranger. Mark Hogg

Spidey grew up in the comics, he should be allowed to do so on screen. Gary Mancini

Chameleon or Kraven the Hunter ( done well). Chris Wing

No origin story needed, everyone knows how he got his powers. Jason Davies

Logan Lerman from Percy Jackson as Spidey, Chris Pratt as the Vulture and Emma Watson as Mary Jane. Kevin Hall

A fun, angst- free crime- fighting romp featuring little or no Parker family nonsense. Paolo Bianco

I want Venom, Carnage or Toxin. Jacob Chrisp

Logan Lerman as Peter Parker would be great; also a new villain we haven’t seen on the big screen before. Paul Downey

Simple: Iceman and Firestar. Graham Stygall

Mary Jane, J Jonah Jameson, Flash Thompson, Kraven and no origin story: perfect. Keith Baker

A Toby Maguire- starring Spider- Man 4 about where is he now. Dominic Wasden

Bring Bollywood in to the MCU by having the Pavitr Prabhakar Spider- Man. Himesh Malde

Black Cat and Silver Sable. Balsa Andbjorck

The Kingpin and Green Goblin ( with the comic book look from the ’ 70s). Mark Baker

Morbius the Vampire. Terry Westmorlan­d

NO OR IGIN STORY . NO OR IGIN STORY . But, besides that, NO OR IGIN STORY . FlangeBadg­er

 ??  ?? Mary Jane Ema Watson
Kingpin Vincent D’Onofrio Miles Morales/ Spider- Man
Donald Glover J Jonah Jameson
JK Simons
Mary Jane Ema Watson Kingpin Vincent D’Onofrio Miles Morales/ Spider- Man Donald Glover J Jonah Jameson JK Simons

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