
What we’ve been playing with this month


“Highly stylised” is the best way to describe the likeness on this Twelfth Doctor Talking Plush (FPI price £14.99; product code C7500), who’s sporting a glare so angry you’d think twice before placing him at the end of a child’s bed. Judging by this, the approvals/design/ manufactur­ing process for Doctor Who merch must take forever: push his chest and he barks one of three phrases, but they’re all snatches of the dialogue he delivered post-regenerati­on in the 2013 Christmas special (one is the exclamatio­n concerning his new kidneys). Shame – this’d be twice as good if the mardyarse said, “I don’t think I’m a hugging person now” when you give him a squeeze. Funko continues its quest to find even more ways to cutefy your favourite sci-fi and fantasy characters with the new Mopeez range (FPI price £8.99 each; product codes C9559, C9564, C9568, C9570, C9571, C9572, C9574, C9575). Aside from Rocket Raccoon (a smirker rather than a scowler) and the mouthless Spider-Man, this selection of DC and Marvel heroes all come with the same blank eyes and facial expression, and are quite literally full of beans. Most notable thing about them? Despite all the styling, Spider-Man just looks like, er, Spider-Man.

It may have taken them 52 years but those delightful Danes have finally created a Lego Doctor Who set, and it’s marvellous. It stems from the fan-designed Lego Ideas range and, curiously, depicts Matt Smith’s two-year-old regenerati­on in “The Time Of The Doctor” – hence Peter Capaldi in a coat he wore for about 10 minutes. Still, that does mean you get two Doctors for the price of one, as

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