And that’s not all they want...


nigel-o-brien Pierce Brosnan as

Captain Nemo. Robert Elliott Water! Kevin Allport I’d like to see something ORIGINAL!

Keith Heeney So long as he gets Kirk Douglas singing about his tattoo to a sea lion he will be on to a winner.

FlangeBadg­er I’d like to see the Nautilus flushed down a toilet then they’d try to find Nemo and the film could be called Finding Nemo.

Scott H Would have been more interestin­g when it was David Fincher’s 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. Singer’s will come across as bland.

Einez Crespo Hollywood: quit remaking and rebooting stuff.

Battle Startrek Rather Christophe­r Nolan took that on.

Alexandra The film following the book would be a good start.

Julie Evanson With an all-male main cast how about making one (or more) of the leads a woman, so it’s not such a sausage-fest?

Scott Griffin Vinnie Jones mo-capping the giant squid.

Gavin S Verne wasn’t writing a period piece, he was writing something futuristic, so make the Nautilus sleek and futuristic too. David Jones Giant crabs!

The Red Dragon Have fun with the underwater world – make the ocean as mind-blowing as space.

Ali Close Never really liked The Mysterious Island, so end Nemo’s story on 20,000 Leagues’ ambiguous note. And DON’T set up a sequel.

Corine Duke Make it part of the DCU and have Aquaman show up to help fight the giant squid.

Thomas Lucas Giant squids, giant sharks, giant starfish, giant tuna… basically a film full of giant sea creatures.

Karl Banks Submarine combat like The Hunt For Red October. Sean Connery could come out retirement and take up residence on the Nautilus again.

Lena Blackburn Who cares about 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea – NEW STAR TREK TV SHOW. [Er, you’re not really getting into the spirit of Wishlist – Ed]

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