Star trek: the next Generation



Our Klingon mission ends in season three of TNG, as Klingon commander Kurn arrives on the Enterprise as part of an exchange programme.

NICK They weren’t good at their pre-titles on TNG were they. It’s not like Apollo’s hand, or “They’re all dressed as Nazis!” This is a man. Arriving on a ship. RICH At least Kurn looks cool next to Worf, though. That early TNG bob haircut was a tricky thing to pull off – and Worf didn’t manage it. Wesley Crusher moans that Kurn doesn’t like him very much. RICH You must be used to that, Wesley. NICK It’s like human resources is what powers this show. My theory is that classic Trek is about exploratio­n, this is about going to work. Picard and his crew treat Kurn to a slap-up meal. Sadly, most of the food is already dead. NICK A Klingon holding salad? Does that happen? Do you get vegetarian­s on Kronos? JORDAN Just pescataria­ns. NICK This is very different to the suave guys from the ’60s. They’d have loved this dinner party. RICH They wouldn’t have had a problem with crockery and cutlery. Kurn complains that the food is much too bland for the stomach of a Klingon. NICK “But I like my Caesar salad,” says Worf. Kurn reveals that he’s actually Worf ’s younger brother, and that Worf must take responsibi­lity for, er, the sins of their father who stands accused of collaborat­ing with Romulans. RICH The EastEnders theme kicks in... IAN Surely this bit should have been in the teaser. JORDAN Why didn’t he come in and say this straight away? It’s such an artificial construct. Picard redirects AN ENTIRE STARSHIP to the Klingon homeworld to sort Worf ’s predicamen­t. RICH Is this our first ever trip to Kronos? IAN It might be. NICK This courtroom stuff sums up why I hate modern Klingons. They just shout at each other in overblown language. How many times does the word “honour” come up in an episode? IAN Honor Blackman would be revered as a deity. NICK All subtlety goes out the window when you’ve got Klingons. IAN And also people. NICK Suddenly it feels like a Viking reenactmen­t. Imagine if people on Coronation Street acted like this. Because it’s Klingon, we accept it. IAN It’s dull, innit. NICK What I’d give for one Shatner dropkick.

 ??  ?? Klingons on the… thingy, you know.
Klingons on the… thingy, you know.
 ??  ?? The Bird of Prey: still a design classic.
The Bird of Prey: still a design classic.
 ??  ?? “I’ve got some gossip on Mr Worf...”
“I’ve got some gossip on Mr Worf...”

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