Anthony Lemke is Three


A lot of the characters are seeking redemption. How does that apply to Three? Does he even care about that?

In season one, he doesn’t. It’s that simple. As you know, he has a backstory with Sarah. There’s an element of good within him. In season one, he’s just a survival-of-the-fittest kind of guy. “Whatever I need to do to survive, I will do.” It’s a very simple moral code. It’s almost amoral. “If I survive at the end of the day, then I have won.” In season two, you are going to start seeing hints at why he may be the way he is. That is what’s joyful about Three. He has a very simple world view. It’s not about going out and being bad, although there’s a certain pleasure that comes with it.

What’s the coolest weapon Three gets to wield?

Bubba is the most fun because it’s a character. It’s not that it only shoots, but it also doesn’t shoot. It bounces people off walls. The batteries run out. It’s a lot of fun to interact with, while the rest of them (the guns) just make people die. Bubba is not that simple, kind of like Three himself.

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