And that’s not all they want...


Chris Worboys Deadpool cameo! More lesser known X-Men/mutants like Domino, along with the Colossus from Deadpool – he was great. And the yellow suit with the mask, just once in a film, please. That will settle my fanboy urges!

Alex Holmes Deadpool vs Wolverine (as in the latest movie and not the f**k-up with the mouth sewn shut from X-Men: Origins: Wolverine)!

Jim Covert-lly Logan v Hulk. Their beef was legendary in the comics. A perfect clash of egos.

Sarah Simons Make it better than The Wolverine! Lordy, that was one tedious, pretentiou­s and miserable movie.

Craig Hedges Sofia Boutella from Kingsman would be perfect to play X-23. Face it, she’s got form when it comes to fighting with blades on her feet!

Chris Stockton I really enjoyed seeing Wolvie in action in World War II in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Just imagine an Inglouriou­s Basterds style war epic with Logan on a mission into occupied territory… hell, have him go up against Christoph Waltz as a milk-drinking Nazi!

Jason Trevers No way should they put him in the costume from the comics. That would just look daft on the screen. Accept that this is a different Wolverine from the comic books – he’s a lot taller, for one thing!

Terry Hughes More Sentinels! You can never go wrong with more Sentinels!

Anne Harvey I’m just glad that Patrick Stewart is going to be in it. Him and Hugh Jackman are always great together. Hope they get to share lots of scenes together.

Len It’s got to be Old Man Logan. They need to properly Mad Max it up but knowing Hollywood it’ll bear no resemblanc­e to the comic.

Ben Jones What’s the point of doing Old Man Logan? They haven’t got the rights to all the other Marvel characters! Bit pointless without them.

Fiona Stone Kill him off! You can’t replace Hugh Jackman, so why not?

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