In time for Rogue One, it’s Mon Mothma from Return Of The Jedi


Despite a fleeting two minutes’ screen time, new Republic Chancellor Mon Mothma made an indelible impression in Return Of The Jedi, memorably closing her pre-Battle of endor briefing by mournfully uttering the immortal line: “Many Bothans died to bring us this informatio­n.” A youthful incarnatio­n of the character will return for Rogue One (played by Genevieve o’Reilly) but it was Caroline Blakiston who first brought the character to life 33 years ago. we spoke to the British actress about her most enduring role.

Would you like to play Mon Mothma again?

Of course. I’m part of Mon Mothma and Mon Mothma is part of me.

What’s the strangest request you’ve had from a fan?

To sign photos of the other actress [Genevieve O’Reilly].

Would any of your character’s skills or attributes have been useful in real life?

All of them. She was wonderfull­y eloquent, dignified, cool and collected. I interprete­d her name as “Moon Mother” so being maternal was a key attribute too.

What would Mon be doing now?

Hopefully not retired but answering questions and helping strategise the defeat of the First Order!

Is there anything you think was unfinished about the character’s story?

We’re both still alive so plenty of scope for the character yet!

What would it say on the character’s gravestone?

“May the force be with you!”

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