charlie cox Is matt murdock


What’s the essential difference between the Defenders and the Avengers?

With the Avengers, there’s a pride about who they are, they’re very chest-out, gung-ho, and that’s very cool to watch. To make this work on TV, with these street-level heroes, we have to go the opposite way. We go to a place of shame, and a place of loneliness for these guys. We’re trying to find moments where Matt is essentiall­y learning not just what these guys can and cannot do but how they deal with the same pain he deals with on a daily basis. How do they not feel like they’re freaks of nature and outcasts of society?

Are there tensions between Matt and the other characters?

A lot. Initially they don’t trust each other. It’s particular­ly difficult for Matt because he has a secret identity. That’s one of the things that was very hard to navigate because obviously we can’t have Matt Murdock in a mask for an entire show, because the other guys wouldn’t trust him. He would not be allowed in!

Krysten said that in a real-life emergency she would call you. Would you be good in an emergency?

If there are actually people in danger I’ll probably be very level-headed. I’ll get in a building or I’ll call 9/11, whatever I need to do… but if I can’t get cell reception? And I need to call someone? I lose my shit. So it depends on the level of the crisis!

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