Autobots meet Camelot

- Richard Edwards

released OuT NOW! 12a | 149 minutes Director Michael Bay Cast Mark Wahlberg, laura Haddock, Josh duhamel, anthony Hopkins, santiago Cabrera

Robots in Disguise rubbing shoulders with Knights of the Round Table is incongruou­s, yet the clash of mythologie­s is one of the least contradict­ory things about the fifth entry in Michael Bay’s high-decibel franchise.

While The Last Knight is unmistakab­ly a Transforme­rs movie (you know the drill: the near-relentless assault on the eyes and ears; the trademark Bay slow-mo), it takes a valiant stab at doing something new.

After an unnecessar­ily bloated, more-of-the-same first hour, The Last Knight kicks into another gear when Anthony Hopkins’s Sir Edmund Burton unites Mark Wahlberg’s Cade and Laura Haddock’s Oxford professor Vivian on a quest for an Arthurian McGuffin. It’s frequently funny and the humans are more than just a side dish to the robot main course. Snarky android butler Cogman is a textbook example of CG comic relief done well, while Hopkins proves to be that rarest of things: a big-name actor saddled with a Basil Exposition role who’s actually enjoying himself.

However, the storytelli­ng gets lost beneath Bay’s hyperkinet­ic visual style, the mythology is baffling (Optimus Prime’s turn to the dark side never quite rings true), and there are too many characters – franchise veterans Megatron and John Turturro’s Agent Simmons bring so little to the party you feel they were crowbarred in for old-time’s sake.

The Last Knight gamely sets up future instalment­s – laying ground for the rumoured Bumblebee film – but it’s unlikely to pull in any newcomers yet to be bitten by the Cybertroni­an bug.

Original star Shia LaBeouf can be glimpsed among the framed photos of scientists and inventors in Burton’s library.

 ??  ?? “Call me the Iron Giant one more time, puny human. Go on, I dare you.”
“Call me the Iron Giant one more time, puny human. Go on, I dare you.”

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