"I Know The End of The Story"

- Jordan Farley

David Harbour is Chief Hopper

Is Hopper still buying Eggos at the start of the season?

Season two picks up a year later, so he was putting the eggos in that box at the end of season one, and that does pay off within that year. When we start season two, eggo waffles have begun to factor into Hopper’s life in a profound, unexpected way that I’m sure he never imagined.

How is Hopper affected by his brief time in the Upside Down?

At the beginning Hopper is the only guy in authority who knows everything that went down last year, so he’s having to field a lot of questions from the town, and he’s having to put out a lot of fires because he has to keep something quiet. And on an emotional level, he has this sort of miraculous experience after saving Will – the emotional attachment that he’s developed to Joyce and Will are deeper bonds now than they were.

Do you know where Hopper will end up?

I know the end of the story, and it’s very satisfying to be able to start to lay pipe for these seasons. I know where they end up, but how we get there is going to be very circuitous and I don’t know the ins and outs of that. the end that I know for the series is very satisfying in terms of what we’ve set up about Hopper and how he behaves – so when you see a little moment in season two, I know that at the end of the series it’s going to pay off in a serious way.

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