This month’s winner will receive a copy of Solar War by John French.


Chewie and Lando better drink to Han, that’s all I’m saying!


Robert Graham, email Avengers: Endgame is not just the best MCu movie so far but just might be the best superhero movie that has ever been made. up till now I thought nothing could beat The Dark Knight but Avengers: Endgame is an epic on a huge scale that I haven’t seen since The Lord Of The Rings trilogy. It’s a spectacula­r sci-fi superhero action adventure movie that raises the bar not just for Marvel but all superhero movies.

Oliver Waterman, email Endgame was a satisfying conclusion to all that’s happened since Robert Downey Jr did a spot of crafty ironmonger­y in Afghanista­n… well, satisfying in every way except one. Am I the only one who thought that bit with the bench completely betrayed the character of Captain America? Sorry, I just don’t buy that Steve would sit around at home while Hydra infiltrate­d SHIELD and Thanos unleashed the Chitauri on new york! This is the man who threw himself on a grenade to save others, remember? He’s a fighter, not a quitter. SFX Personally, we’re looking forward to Disney’s streaming service bringing us Steve And Peggy: The Scrabble Years.


The Llama God, The Well-Lit and ClearlyFoc­used Lands North of the Wall, email As everyone’s favourite two-time hand could tell them: bigger isn’t necessaril­y better. But unfortunat­ely I very much doubt that the Game Of Thrones producers would be listening to that advice.

Touted as being longer than the Battle of Helm’s Deep, “The Long night” was certainly that. And I can see what they were going for – every single Game Of Thrones fan loves that bit in the Battle of the Bastards where Jon Snow gets all smothered and squashed, because that really does convey how scary it all is. But without any moments of clarity to engage with the characters it became impossible for the audience to connect with, and it turned the whole thing into a very confused slog. And as for the extremely dubious lighting choices, I think the Red Lady said it best – the night is dark and full of errors… SFX Shame it’s too late for an X-Files crossover. Those FBI flashlight­s would have been a huge help.


Rob Graham, email The Star Trek Discovery season two finale was absolutely superb. Season three now means that Star Trek can start completely fresh in the 32nd century, although I can’t help thinking that if they had done that from the beginning it would have stopped a lot of arguments about technology… Bob pierce, email Wow! I’m probably in the minority but the Dicovery finale was probably the best episode of Star Trek I’ve ever seen! I was getting a bit tired of this season, but... everything seems to be nicely wrapped up and all anomalies resolved. The only question is are we getting a season three? SFX Good news, Bob. Sensors indicate season three is now in developmen­t, with “much bigger problems” promised on the other side of that wormhole…


Mike Garner, email I can’t believe that you gave the new Hellboy film two-and-a-half stars. It’s an absolutely awful movie. It’s as if it was written and directed by a bunch of people who once read some Hellboy comics but couldn’t quite remember all the reasons why they liked it. It’s not acted very well, either – Ian McShane really phones it in. Also, those English accents must be classed as a hate crime! SFX If those English accents are a hate crime surely Dick Van Dyke should have done 40 years in solitary…

 ??  ?? “I really need a holiday after all that!”
“I really need a holiday after all that!”
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? “Argh, have you seen the Sonic trailer?”
“Argh, have you seen the Sonic trailer?”

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