How To End Your Trilogy

- Richard Edwards

released 10 june (download 27 May) 2019 | PG | Blu-ray (4K/standard)/dVd/ download/ vod Director dean deblois Cast Jay Baruchel, america Ferrera, F Murray abraham, Cate Blanchett

While plenty of movie sagas keep their characters in a state of arrested developmen­t, How To Train Your Dragon has never been afraid of evolution. This is a world where geeky outsider Hiccup can become a Viking chief, and events have consequenc­es, whether it’s the loss of a limb or a loved one.

The new spanners in the works for this third instalment are ruthless dragon hunter Grimmel (played with sinister relish by F Murray Abraham) and a love interest for Hiccup’s scaly bestie, Toothless. And because of the saga’s past form, you’re never quite sure if this trilogy closer is going to have a happy ending…

The character beats are first rate but the story’s too lightweigh­t. You may have to hold back the tears during the emotional last act, but there’s too much aerobatic dragon flirting before then.

Extras The 12 featurette­s mostly clock in at four minutes or less, so they’re not overflowin­g with facts. The bits about designing the dragons and their world are more engaging than fluffier docs about the story and voicing the roles, while there are fun ideas like a dragony riff on Top Trumps. Luckily, anyone after a thorough education on the making of the movie will love the commentary with the director, a producer and head of character animation. You also get five deleted scenes, an alternativ­e opening and two bonus DreamWorks shorts.

Toothless’s look was based on a mix of a black panther and a salamander. His flying style was inspired by a sparrow.

 ??  ?? “But a helmet will mess up my hair.”
“But a helmet will mess up my hair.”

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