
Mixed reactions to the Star Wars:

The Rise Of Skywalker trailer and more! Cue malevolent laugh again.

Christian Horsfield, email

After the division caused by The Last Jedi, my enthusiasm for Episode IX had waned. However, the new trailer has firmly restored my hope in the galaxy far, far away! The action looked fantastic and the familiar sight of Lando and Chewie in the Falcon, the sensitive use of old footage of Carrie Fisher, the mirroring of

The Phantom Menace trailer and the glimpse of the Death Star were evidence of a clear attempt to link the closing episode of the Skywalker saga to Episodes I to VI.

Robert William Graham, Facebook

Like everyone else my jaw dropped at that familiar laugh at the end. To quote Han Solo in Return Of The Jedi, I know that laugh!

Andy Wintrip, GamesRadar

Looks like we’re in for more lazy, fan-baiting drivel as more original trilogy characters are plucked out and potentiall­y ruined by these sequels. I find it really worrying that simply adding Palpatine’s laugh is enough to generate hype simply because fans are desperate to ride the nostalgia wave in order to love this series again. And Disney knows it. Other than that, it looks great.

Steven Leech, Facebook

The Death Star scene appears to follow on from the concepts shown in The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens book, but why would they go there? For Vader’s lightsaber? For Palpatine? Or just a red herring in the trailer?

Ken Scott, Facebook

The trailer looks great – but so did The Last Jedi’s and that was a real dog’s dinner. I’m sure JJ will restore the trilogy to the promise shown in The Force Awakens.

Ian Gleeson, Facebook

Looks like a big mystery box of plagiarise­d nothing is on the cards again!

SFX Once you start down the cynical path, forever will it dominate your destiny!

Fahri M Fahri, Facebook

The use of the name Skywalker (does it refer to Leia? Rey? Ben Solo adopting his mother’s maiden name? Luke returning?) in the title and the Sidious/Palpatine laugh near the end of the trailer are certainly major talking points. The fans who didn’t like The Last Jedi will all certainly be hoping for a much better film to end this trilogy.

Thomas Huartson, Facebook

Chewie and Lando better drink to Han, that’s all I’m saying!

SFX Ever tried a glass of Garrmorl? That stuff damn near blows your fur off.

Jens Sylvester Wesemann, Facebook

JJ Abrams just can’t do without his silly, empty mystery box nonsense and thriving on nostalgia, can he?

Gary Mancini, Facebook

I was adamant that I was out on the rest of this sequel trilogy. I’d packed my bags and said goodbye to Star Wars. However, this had me taking a peek around the door, and maybe I’ll stick around just a bit longer. It looks bloody good! And the title – from the first mention I said that it didn’t refer to a person. It’s Skywalker as an ideology, or a religion like Jedi.

Ash Ryan, Facebook

Maybe Skywalker refers to a midichlori­an “bloodline”, starting with the Sith created messiah/Anti-Christ Anakin, and flowing to the completion of the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the Force. Maybe it’s not a single person, but a process.

Nate Melander, Facebook

There was nothing engaging about it, and the Palpatine laugh made me roll my eyes. The hero Luke died an inglorious death and they supposedly bring back a very dead bad guy. It all symbolises the death of Star Wars in the 2000s and Disney trying to revive a horrible new version that has no reason to exist.

Ade Lucas, GamesRadar

Knowing the way this has gone I doubt if anything will come of the Palpatine laugh at the end. It’s probably an old recording or something that activates when they try to activate Death Star 2’s systems.

Joe Fernandez, Twitter

Maybe Palpatine did learn the secret of immortalit­y from Darth Plagueis the Wise?

Kobeyashi Maru, Twitter

I’ve got a bad feeling about this… Going back to an old baddie long dead is unimaginat­ive. I fear this will be Return Of The Jedi all over.

Brit Bong, GamesRadar

I’m interested, but not without a little wariness and some trepidatio­n. It certainly looks like it’s returning to the mythologic­al elements of Star Wars which were so eagerly deconstruc­ted in The Last Jedi. That’s what gives me hope.

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