
turner The last day was incredibly difficult. I’m actually starting to miss the mud and being sweaty and smelling like shit – literal shit, because it’s horse shit all up your dress.

williams I don’t know if anything else was ever as real or raw as the show tried to be. When we were looking at these vast freezing cold landscapes, we were really there. They were the sort of extremes you only ever find yourself in when you’re acting, and it’s like…

turner … oh right, my green room is a shipping container.

williams Yeah! And Liam [Cunningham] is like. “Let me smoke inside”, and everyone’s like, “no!” even the bad bits are beautiful memories.

hempstead-wright I didn’t think I’d cry, but I did. I broke down in floods of tears. It’s weird, those kind of moments where you’re like, “how should I be feeling? This is a pivotal moment. I should be feeling something!” You stress yourself out a bit.

coster-waldau My last day was actually a perfect way to end my Game Of Thrones experience, because it was an amazing set. It was a great scene, a beautiful day. northern Ireland can be very miserable with rain, but this was a day of just beautiful sunshine. I’d seen quite a few colleagues have their final scene. I’ve been standing watching a lot of tears flow and a lot of speeches, and I was like, “oh God, I don’t want to be emotional…” gwendoline christie (Brienne Of Tarth)

I know you cried. Coster-waldau I didn’t cry.

christie I know you cried! And you were annoyed that you cried.

Coster-waldau how long did you cry on your last day? christie Two hours! I couldn’t stop! I was a mess!

How do you move on after this? This has been eight years of my life, and I have loved every moment of it

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? He didn’t have the heart to tell her the fur was from her old direwolf.
He didn’t have the heart to tell her the fur was from her old direwolf.
 ??  ?? Bran still couldn’t decide whether that dress was purple or gold.
Bran still couldn’t decide whether that dress was purple or gold.
 ??  ?? The “This is a knife” gag only works if you pick up the right one.
The “This is a knife” gag only works if you pick up the right one.
 ??  ??

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