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Endgame and Game Of Thrones.

Robert Young, Facebook

It was a mostly satisfying film with some really amazing moments. However, it was also a bloated, convoluted mess.

Robert William Graham, Facebook

Best superhero movie ever made, and I didn’t think anything could top The Dark Knight. Marvel has raised the bar for all superhero movies from now on.

James Willis, Facebook

Endgame’s slow, perhaps pedestrian, pacing in the first third of the movie felt like an error, and I’m afraid the time travel aspect forced its way into the plot with all the subtlety of a Hulk shoulder barge. The comedy felt older and more self-conscious this time round, which left many of the attempted gags falling flat. It was the movie equivalent of expectantl­y sitting down to eat a T-bone steak at your favourite restaurant; simple, satisfying and predictabl­y tasty, only to be served just the bone with corned beef squished around it into a vaguely steak-like shape.

Jonathan Macho, Facebook

It made me cry more than any other movie in the cinema, so there’s that. The first time I saw it I loved it, the second time I had the distance to admire its excellent character work, its tackling of recovery from trauma and maybe the best final battle in the history of superhero cinema. I love that the guy who smashes got himself together and became the dependable one, how the human lost his humanity and turned into the darkest version of a “superhero”, how Thor’s self-destructiv­e arc in Infinity War had serious effects on his character. I love how it ended on a beautiful, quiet moment. I really love this film.

Mark Howe, Facebook

Storywise Infinity War was probably more coherent, but Endgame is far more emotionall­y engaging. There are moments to bring tears to your eyes, make you want to punch the air with joy, and that send tingles down your spine. (Cap and a certain hammer.) The time travel element was huge fun, provided you don’t think too hard about the rules. It also provides satisfying conclusion­s to several characters’ journeys. Endgame is a great victory lap for the MCU so far. I can’t wait for what comes next.

Thomas Huartson, Facebook

Tragedies were inevitable, each of them shocking. But the most tragic for my wife was the sad farewell to Thor’s six-pack. She went on about it for a while. So overall, hugely satisfying and the end of an era. Here’s to a new batch of Avengers and hopefully more Korg, because we need to know who Noobmaster 69 is.

SFX Our money’s on Doctor Doom. He rebrands when everyone laughs at the name Doctor Noobmaster.

Simon Kalje, Facebook

A pretty unevenly paced film that in its separate parts doesn’t really work, but as a whole is a stunning piece of modern superhero cinema.

Ian Thorpe, Facebook

I liked it. Loki lives!

Paul Rees, Facebook

A nice ending to the Marvel universe so far, but not as good as Infinity War. The downside was both Thor and Hulk were treated very badly, with no sign of the raging powerhouse or the previous god of thunder. Also, Thanos was ridiculous­ly overpowere­d for the end battle. He was almost beaten in Infinity War and had the gauntlet, but was able to brush off absolutely everyone without it for Endgame.

Stuart Owen, Facebook

It was a satisfying conclusion to a 22-movie story arc. I’ll admit I got a little choked when Ant-Man saw his daughter again. As for the big battle, I had a tingle down my spine that went on forever.

Neil Tex Hickman, Facebook

Great film for the most part, very entertaini­ng, but in their attempts to have their cake and eat it with regards to their time travel rules, they have created a giant timey-wimey mess.

Bill Ryan, Facebook

Apart from the spectacle and the emotional hits, it’s almost unbelievab­le that the Russos made this epic work!

Jono Carney, Facebook

A mess of a film. Time travel is always a cop out and the effects were laughable at times.

Gaspar Garção, email

After a slow start Endgame hit all the right notes, and it felt more organic than by the numbers. There were truly emotional scenes (the Iron Man/Spider-Man hug, for example), and near the end, when all the heroes are “reborn” and they make the last stand against Thanos’ army, I was truly moved and very... primed for battle. I know that nowadays the white vs black, heroes vs villains dichotomy is passé, but sometimes to fight against evil you have to make a stand, even if it is only in fiction... SFX On your left, Gaspar…

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