Happiness will prevail!

It’s the final stand for the Killjoys


Killjoys’ fourth season ended with the deceptivel­y named The Lady – a Hullen entity in a teenage body – escaping her dimensiona­l home in the Green. She consequent­ly stripped everyone’s favourite bounty hunters – Dutch (Hannah JohnKamen), Johnny (Aaron Ashmore) and D’avin (Luke Macfarlane), as well as their friends – of their identities and memories, and placed them in alternativ­e scenarios that speak to their hearts’ deepest desires. Besties Johnny and Dutch are happily married and living in Westerly. D’avin’s become the ultimate Killjoy. When the TV series returns in July for its fifth and final season, the Killjoys must break The Lady’s mental hold on them, even if they don’t realise they’re under her spell.

“We begin the season with them not only having none of the resources like the RAQ or the Killjoys, now they don’t even have each other because they don’t know who each other is,” showrunner Adam Barken tells SFX. “Worst of all, they don’t even know there’s a problem. They don’t understand there’s an enemy keeping them this way. How do you fight someone who you don’t even know exists? That’s the conundrum.” “Once they figure it out, it’s how do you convince everybody else this is happening?” he continues. “How do you fight someone who has control over the basic building blocks of memory? If memory is reality, and you have someone who can control memory and can control reality, how do you fight someone like that? I’d say The Lady is definitely the biggest threat, and the biggest challenge our team has ever faced.” But The Lady doesn’t fully understand human interactio­n, so she recruits a familiar face who audiences love to hate. “This new character of The Lady is an alien who has been studying humans, knows how to dominate them, but now that she’s forced to be in the body of one and isn’t really sure how to be one,” Barken says. “She isn’t really sure how to convince them to do what she needs to do. She will have rebuilt one person, who will be there to teach her how to be a human. That, of course, is the one guy who seems to know best how to manipulate people over hundreds of years, and that’s Khlyen (Rob Stewart).”

Barken promises that Killjoys will go out with a big bang. In the meantime, some dangling threads need to be addressed.

“The big ones for us are what does The Lady want with D’avin’s son, Jack?” says Barken. “Why is she so hellbent on getting a hold of him? I think it was important to explain The Lady’s purpose once she gets out of the Green.

“We hint at it at the end of season four when The Lady says that she wants what every living thing wants, which is a family of her own,” Barken concludes. “We needed to answer that and how she could do it. We also wanted to talk more about Jack’s special abilities and how they fit into that.” BC

Killjoys returns to Syfy UK in July.

 ??  ?? “How come she gets a gun and we get pointy sticks?”
“How come she gets a gun and we get pointy sticks?”
 ??  ??

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