Boy Trouble



Where do we see mike at the start of season three?

Season two ends a little bit vague with Eleven and Mike’s relationsh­ip. But we start off in season three, we’re a full blown couple. But every couple has their issues and so do we. There’s also a nod to “friends don’t lie”. Mike gets caught up in the summer love, and completely misses the point of the friendship or anyone other than El. He kind of threatens that relationsh­ip with everyone else.

how is this season bigger than the last?

Honestly, it’s hard to top. It’s the Duffers’ job. But in season three there’s definitely way more horror, way more action, way more comedy. Everything that you’ve loved about Stranger Things, hyped up. It was great to do the stuff that we weren’t allowed to do before. Like us getting beaten up, and action and gore. You don’t really see that with kids on TV. But we have a lot of fun doing it. The show is kind of growing up as we’re growing up.

What’s it like working with the Duffer Brothers?

It’s kind of like working with your old friends. It’s honestly not really like working with directors. I know that sounds weird, but we’ve known them for so long and we know how to talk to each other on set. The Duffers are like my brothers and Shawn Levy is like the Papa Bear. He teaches you a lot and lets you come on set to learn. He’s so direct and honest with his notes, and he’s fast. It’s definitely a wonderful experience being on set with both him and the Duffer Brothers as directors.

What’s your experience of working with Cgi been like?

It’s definitely interestin­g acting with tennis balls, or like last year with Dart, having a bean bag represent it. You really have to use your imaginatio­n as much as possible. Or if not, have Paul (Graff) on VFX, who’s incredible. He helps give you some pre-visualisat­ion stuff which is incredible – even showing you just a bit of that will really help.

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