
where did Ianto learn to operate a bulldozer, exactly? For all its grittiness, “Children Of Earth” still has moments of typically

Torchwood-esque lunacy. Maybe the most memorable comes in episode two when, after Jack Harness has been encased in concrete, Ianto crashes through the wall of a military base (in reality a former explosives factory in Caerwent, used for training by the MOD) on a stolen bulldozer and carries him off...

“Releasing the immortal hero from a block of concrete with a runaway bulldozer was nuts!” Davies laughs. “I remember being delighted when the ratings for episode three went up, because that was pure Torchwood! There’s barely a nod towards the BBC One audience, or anyone who’d never seen the show before. I have to say, everybody in that military base has a very bad aim! Just because you’re on a bulldozer doesn’t mean you’ve got a forcefield around you! And why don’t they chase that fucking bulldozer? Don’t they have helicopter­s?”

Davies is thoroughly unrepentan­t. Not that he didn’t ever consider changing it, mind...

“I wrestled with that script for an awfully long time,” he admits. “I could have replaced that with a bomb, or a missile strike. It didn’t have to be concrete, it could have been chains. But in the end I remember thinking, ‘This is very

Torchwood. It’s very funny. It’s got Eve Myles on a bulldozer, with bullets pinging off the metal. [Realised in close-ups by having Myles hang off an immobile vehicle, and shaking the camera…] That’s got to be worth trying. What the fuck?’”

 ??  ?? “Don’t worry, I’ve seen them do this on Top Gear.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve seen them do this on Top Gear.”

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