Interact with digital thinking


Open until 26 August Venue Barbican, london

Before our robot masters rise up and enslave us all, we may as well have a little fun with them, right? And maybe learn something at the same time. After all, as this fascinatin­g exhibition at London’s Barbican Centre repeatedly reminds us through the use of a stunning range of interactiv­e installati­ons, AI is currently learning an awful lot from us, so why shouldn’t it return the favour?

There’s a dizzying amount of content packed into a relatively small area here, much of which can be prodded, poked and played with to your heart’s – or, indeed, organic brain’s – content. Throw a ball for a robot dog. Help AIs compose poetry and music. Enter a virtual world in a pleasure-fixated AI-run future. Become mesmerised by a kaleidosco­pe of weird and wonderful AIcreated images.

It’s all great fun and totally absorbing, but the exhibition also effortless­ly opens your mind to the possibilit­ies of AI. Nods to Blade Runner, Alan Turing and Deep Blue’s chess match against Garry Kasparov help provide a historical context, while other exhibits – including a wall of tulip photograph­s – help you understand how AI “thinks” and how it may develop in the future.

While some of the more esoteric displays struggle to get their concepts across in the crowdpleas­ing environmen­t (we’re still not clear what Vespers are, but they look cool), it’s an exhibition that cannot fail to get you thinking. All we need to worry about now is the AIs realising they’re being used as performing chimps… Dave Golder

Accompanyi­ng the exhibition there’s a fascinatin­g and packed website at g.co/ aibarbican, with lots of exclusive content.

 ??  ?? Where Peter Crouch got his dance moves.
Where Peter Crouch got his dance moves.

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