Simply Crochet


Adding let squares is easy when you know how.


Increasing the number of filet crochet squares in your fabric is a slightly lengthier process, but it’s still pretty easy to do. The simplest increase happens at the start of a row. Whether you’re increasing by just one square or five squares, the basic technique remains the same.

Step 1 Work to the end of the previous row, then work a length of chain to act as a foundation chain for the new squares. If you’re working a filet mesh made up of trebles separated by 1ch, you’ll need to work an extra 2ch for each new square you want to add, plus an extra 2ch to complete the turning chain. For example, if you’re increasing by one square, you’ll need to ch4; to increase by three squares, just ch8.

If you’re working a filet crochet mesh made up of trebles separated by 2ch, it’s slightly different. Instead you’ll need to work an extra 3ch for each new square that you want to add, plus an extra 2ch to complete the turning chain. For example, if you’re intending to increase by one square, you’ll need to ch5; to increase by three squares, just ch11.

In this guide, we’ve worked a filet mesh made up of trebles separated by 1ch, so we worked ch4 to increase by one square. Complete the previous row and turn as usual. Ch1 and then slip stitch into the top of the next stitch and into as many stitches as you need to reach the place where you want to start the next row.

Step 2 On the chain length you just made, the first 3ch will count as the first treble, so you’ll then need to either ch1 or work a treble into the 4th chain from the hook, depending on whether you want the first square to be a space or a block – we worked a treble.

If you’re working a filet mesh made up of trebles separated by 2ch, work another ch or tr into the next chain. Then treble into the next stitch to complete the first new square, and so on to form the new filet squares.

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