Simply Crochet


US term: double treble crochet


This is one of the longest standard crochet stitches and is mainly used in fancy stitch patterns. It’s taller than a double treble crochet stitch (described left) and is worked in a very similar way, as follows:

1 Make a foundation ch. Skip 5 ch, *yrh 3 times, insert hook under top loop of next ch.

2 Yrh, pull yarn through ch loop only (5 loops on hook).

3 † Yrh, draw loop through 2 loops only. Repeat from † 3 times more and your triple treble will be finished. Repeat from * to make more ttr sts.

4 To make the next row, turn work and ch5. This turning chain counts as the first triple treble in a new row. Skip first st at base of the t-ch. Work 1 triple treble, inserting hook under the top 2 loops of the 2nd st in the previous row; continue to the end of the row.

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