Simply Crochet


Discov a new stitch and how to use it in every issue.



Cane Work Stitch looks like large ‘X’ shapes. Each ‘X’ is separated from the next by a ch-1 sp. The pattern is abbreviate­d in two parts; the first part (CWa) forms the long diagonal of the cross, and the lower half of the other diagonal. The second part (CWb) completes the ‘X’ with the upper half of the second diagonal.


CWa Yrh twice, insert hook in next st, yrh and pull up loop, yrh and pull through 2 loops, (you will have 3 loops on your hook), keeping these 3 loops on your hook, skip next ch-1 sp, tr in next st, (yrh and pull through 2 loops) twice, ch1

CWb Tr in the front loop and next loop of last tr worked, ch1. See the illustrati­on at www. simplycroc­ to show these loops highlighte­d. Chain a multiple of 4 plus 3 sts (we used 35ch for the sample).

Row 1 Ch2, tr in 5th ch from hook, ch4, CWb, *skip next ch, yrh twice, insert hook in next ch, yrh and pull up loop, yrh and pull through 2 loops, (you will have 3 loops on your hook), keeping these 3 loops on your hook, skip next ch, tr in next ch, (yrh and pull through 2 loops) twice, ch1, CWb; repeat from * across, turn. [9 Xs] In the following rows, a stitch counts as the top of one of the diagonals of the previous row, so the top of the previous row consists of (st, ch-sp) repeated across the row.

Row 2 Ch5 (counts as dtr, ch1), skip first ch-1 sp, *CWa, CWb, skip next ch-1 sp; repeat from * to last ch- 4 sp, skip next ch of ch- 4 sp, dtr in next ch, turn. [8 Xs and 2 dtr]

Row 3 Ch2, skip first ch-1 sp, tr in next st, ch4, CWb, *skip next ch-1 sp, CWa, CWb; repeat from * across to last (st and beg ch-5), skip next ch-1 sp, CWa, skipping the first ch of the ch-5 and working the tr in the next ch of the ch-5, CWb omitting final ch1, turn. [9 Xs] Rows 2-3 set pattern. This pattern needs pinning and steam blocking for the best results. Patterns by Lucy Croft.

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