Simply Crochet

How to work the base tier

Getting started with entrelac crochet.


Entrelac fabric is made up of squares placed on their points to look like diamonds. The simplest way to start crocheting a piece of entrelac fabric is to work a row of squares diagonally to create diamond shapes. For our example, we’re making squares with 5 stitches and 5 rows. You must use an odd number of stitches and rows, and the numbers must match. Take your first yarn colour and work the base tier as follows:

Step 1 Make a long chain. For each diamond, you need enough chains for the number of stitches plus the number of rows. For each of our 5x5 diamonds, we need 10 chains (5+ 5 = 10). To make three 5x5 diamonds, we need 30 chains. Add one extra turning chain for dc (this does not count as a stitch throughout).

Step 2 Dc in the 2nd chain from the hook and in each chain until you have one less than your intended stitch count for the diamond. So we worked 4 dc.

Step 3 Now work a dc2tog stitch over the next 2 chains. To do this, *insert hook in next ch, yrh and pull up loop; repeat from * once more; yrh and pull through all 3 loops to finish the stitch. This completes Row 1 of the diamond.

Step 4 To help you with the next steps, you might like to use stitch markers to mark the next four chains – each chain represents one row you have yet to complete.

Step 5 Slip stitch to the next marked chain and remove the stitch marker.

Step 6 Turn your work and don’t make a turning chain – the slip stitch will act as the turning chain. Don’t work into the slip stitch – instead, dc into the first dc and each dc across. We had a total of 5 dc. This completes Row 2.

Step 7 Turn and make the ch1 t- ch. Dc in each dc until the last dc – we made 4 dc. Now work a dc2tog stitch over the next dc and the next marked chain. To do this, insert hook in next dc, yrh and pull up loop; insert hook in next marked chain, yrh and pull up loop.

Step 8 Finish the stitch by working yrh and pull through all 3 loops. This completes Row 3. Now you can remove the stitch marker from the chain.

Step 9 Repeat Steps 5- 8 until you’ve used up all the marked chains – we worked a total of 5 rows. This completes the first diamond.

Step 10 To start the next diamond, make a ch1 t- ch and dc in the next unworked chain. Dc in each chain until you have one less than your intended stitch count for the diamond – we worked 4 dc. Then repeat Steps 3-9 to complete the second diamond.

Step 11 Repeat Step 10 to create a third diamond shape. If you wanted more than three diamond shapes, you can just repeat Step 10 – having made more chains during Step 1, of course! If you’re working in the round, slip stitch to the first dc to join.

Fasten off the first colour.

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