Simply Crochet


The novel pairing of popcorn stitch and cables work wonderfull­y in Fran Morgan’s ocean-blue cardigan



■ Lion Brand Beautiful You (100% acrylic, 100g/298m) Capri (148)

See table for measuremen­ts and yarn quantities

■ A 3.25mm (US D/3) hook

(see Notes)

■ A 3.5mm (US E/4) for Neckline

Edging only

■ 6 buttons, 1.5cm

For yarn stockists contact LoveCrafts 01409 404010 TENSION

20 sts and 12 rows measures 10x10cm (4x4in) over stitch patt with a 3.25mm hook or size required to achieve tension


cb5 (cable 5-st group) 4tr, tr in st before first tr (crossed tr), skip next st; Note: at the beg of a row, work the crossed tr into the base of the beg ch-3 pc5 (popcorn 5-st group) 2tr, 5tr in next st, remove hook and insert from front to back into top of first tr of 5-tr, pick up dropped live loop and pull through, 2tr

For a full list, see page 92

Accomplish­ed hooksters can really sink their teeth into this stunning buttonthro­ugh cardigan project. A solid, deep blue hue beautifull­y complement­s the cabled pattern, making the cardigan super easy to wear.


Cardigan is made in one piece from bottom to armholes, then divided for Fronts and Back. Sleeves are made separately and Edgings are added at neckline and front edges.

This garment was made using a 3.25mm hook, with a 3.5mm hook for the Neckline Edging. You could use a 3.5mm hook if you don’t have (or can’t find) a 3.25mm, as long as you can achieve the tension stated. If using a 3.5mm hook for the main part of the Cardigan, either use a 3.75mm hook for the Neckline Edging or continue with a 3.5mm, keeping tension loose.



Using a 3.25mm hook, ch151 (171: 191: 211).

Row 1 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as st throughout), dc in each ch to end, turn. [151 (171: 191: 211) sts]

Row 2 Ch4 (does not count as st), ttr in each st to end, turn.

Row 3 Ch1, *6 (7: 8: 9) dc, 2dc in next st; rep from * to last 4 (3: 2: 1) sts, dc in each st to end, turn. [172 (192: 212: 232) sts]

The next row places the patt. The patt is formed of groups of 5 sts, which are either a cable group (cb5) or a popcorn group (pc5). Patt row 1 (RS) Ch3 (counts as st), cb5, pc5, (cb5) 3 times, pc5, (cb5) 4 (6: 8: 10) times, pc5, (cb5) 3 times, pc5, (cb5) 4 times, pc5, (cb5) 3 times, pc5, (cb5) 4 (6: 8: 10) times, pc5, (cb5) 3 times, pc5, cb5, tr in last st, turn. [34 (38: 42: 46) groups of 5 sts, plus 2 tr; 172 (192: 212: 232) sts] Patt row 2 Ch1, dc in each st to end, turn. Cont working Patt rows 1 and 2 until work measures 33cm ending with a WS row.

Triple treble rows make a pretty border and provide natural, no-extra-work buttonhole­s



Row 1 (RS) Cont working in patt as set across 7 (8: 9: 10) 5-st groups, turn and work on these sts for Right Front. [36 (41: 46: 51) sts]


Row 2 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each st to end, turn. [35 (40: 45: 50) sts]

Row 3 Cont working in patt to last 2 sts, tr2tog, turn. [34 (39: 44: 49) sts]

Row 4 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each st to end, turn. [33 (38: 43: 48) sts]

Row 5 Cont working in patt to last 2 sts, tr2tog, turn. [32 (37: 42: 47) sts]

Row 6 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each st to end, turn. [31 (36: 41: 46) sts]

Work 8 (10: 12: 14) more rows in patt ending at neck edge.


Row 1 (RS) Ss across 6 sts, ch3, work in patt to end, turn. [26 (31: 36: 41) sts]

Row 2 Ch1, dc to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn.

[25 (30: 35: 40) sts]

Row 3 Ch3, tr2tog, 2tr, work in patt to end, turn. [24 (29: 34: 39) sts]

Row 4 Ch1, dc to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn.

[23 (28: 33: 38) sts]

Row 5 Ch3, tr2tog, work in patt to end, turn. [22 (27: 32: 37) sts]

Row 6 Ch1, dc to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn.

[21 (26: 31: 36) sts]


Row 7 Ch3, (cb5) 1 (2: 2: 3) times, (skip next st, 4htr, htr in skipped st), 2 (2: 3: 3) times, dc in last 5 sts.

Fasten off.


With RS facing, skip next 10 sts (the sts worked into the next 2 cb5 groups), rejoin yarn in st in line with first tr of next cb5 group.

Row 1 (RS) Ch3, 3tr, tr in st at base of ch, cont working in patt as set to match previous rows over next 15 (17: 19: 21) 5-st groups, turn and work on these sts for Back. [80 (90: 100: 110) sts]


Row 2 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each st to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn. [78 (88: 98: 108) sts]

Row 3 Ch3, tr2tog, tr in st at base of ch, work in patt to last 2 sts, tr2tog, turn.

[76 (86: 96: 106) sts]

Row 4 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each st to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn. [74 (84: 94: 104) sts]

Row 5 Ch2, tr in next st (counts as tr2tog), work patt to last 2 sts, tr2tog, turn. [72 (82: 92: 102) sts]

Row 6 Ch1, dc2tog, dc in each st to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn. [70 (80: 90: 100) sts]

Work 12 (14: 16: 18) more rows in patt, working the first 5-st group of every RS row as (ch3, 3tr, tr in st at base of ch).


Row 1 (RS) Ch3, 3tr, tr in st at base of ch, work in patt over 15 (20: 25: 30) sts, tr in next st, tr2tog, turn leaving rem sts unworked.

[22 (27: 32: 37) sts]

Row 2 Ch1, dc2tog, dc to end, turn.

[21 (26: 31: 36) sts]

Row 3 Ch1, 6dc, (skip next st, 4htr, htr in skipped st) 2 (2: 3: 3) times, (cb5) 1 (2: 2: 3) times.

Fasten off.

Skip centre 24 sts, rejoin yarn to next st with RS facing.

Row 1 (RS) Ch3, tr2tog, work in patt to end, turn. [22 (27: 32: 37) sts]

Row 2 Ch1, dc to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn.

[21 (26: 31: 36) sts]

Row 3 Ch3, 3tr, tr in st at base of ch, (cb5) 0 (1: 1: 2) times, (skip next st, 4htr, htr in skipped st), 2 (2: 3: 3) times, dc in each st to end.

Fasten off.


With RS facing, skip next 10 sts (the sts worked into the next 2 cb5 groups), rejoin yarn in st in line with first tr of next cb5 group.

Row 1 (RS) Ch3, 3tr, tr in st at base of ch, cont working in patt as set over rem 5-st groups, tr in last st, turn and work on these sts for Left Front. [36 (41: 46: 51) sts]


Row 2 Ch1, dc in each st to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn. [35 (40: 45: 50) sts]

Row 3 Ch3, tr2tog, tr in st at base of ch, work in patt to end, turn. [34 (39: 44: 49) sts]

Row 4 Ch1, dc in each st to last 2 sts, turn. [33 (38: 43: 48) sts]

Row 5 Ch2, tr in next st (counts as tr2tog), work in patt to end, turn. [32 (37: 42: 47) sts]

Row 6 Ch1, dc in each st to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn. [31 (36: 41: 46) sts]

Work 8 (10: 12: 14) more rows in patt, working the first 5-st group of every RS row as (ch3, 3tr, tr in st at base of ch). Cont working the beg of the RS rows in this way throughout the Neck Shaping which follows.


Row 1 (RS) Ch3, work in patt to last 5 sts, turn leaving rem sts unworked. [26 (31: 36: 41) sts]

Row 2 Ch1, dc2tog, dc to end, turn.

[25 (30: 35: 40) sts]

Row 3 Ch3, work in patt to last 2 sts, tr2tog, turn. [24 (29: 34: 39) sts]

Row 4 Ch1, dc2tog, dc to end, turn.

[23 (28: 33: 38) sts]

Row 5 Ch3, work in patt to last 2 sts, tr2tog, turn. [22 (27: 32: 37) sts]

Row 6 Ch1, dc2tog, dc to end, turn.

[21 (26: 31: 36) sts]


Row 7 Ch1, 5dc, (skip next st, 4htr, htr in skipped st) 2 (2: 2: 3) times, (cb5) 1 (2: 2: 3) times, tr in last st.

Fasten off.


Using a 3.25mm hook, ch42 (46: 52: 56).

Row 1 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as st throughout), dc in each ch to end, turn.

[42 (46: 52: 56) sts]

Row 2 Ch4 (does not count as st), ttr in each st to end, turn.

Row 3 Ch1, dc in each st to end, turn.

Patt row 1 (RS) Ch3, 0 (2: 0: 2)tr, cb5, pc5, (cb5) 4(4: 6: 6) times, pc5, cb5, 0 (2: 0: 2)tr, tr in last st.

Patt row 2 Ch1, dc in each st to end, turn. The last two rows set the pattern, with the centre of the Sleeve worked in the pattern of cb5, pc5, (cb5) 4 (4: 6: 6) times, pc5, cb5, and the stiches either side are worked in trebles.


The increases are worked every 4 rows. The increases are made by working a tr into the base of the beg ch and working 2tr in last st.

Row 1 (inc) Ch3, tr in base of ch, 0 (2: 0: 2)tr, cb5, pc5, (cb5) 4 (4: 6: 6) times, pc5, cb5, 0 (2: 0: 2)tr, 2tr in last st, turn. [44 (48: 54: 58) sts]

Row 2 Ch1, dc in each st to end, turn.

Row 3 Ch3, 1 (3: 1: 3)tr, cb5, pc5, (cb5) 4 (4: 6: 6) times, pc5, cb5, 1 (3: 1: 3)tr, tr in last st, turn.

Row 4 Ch1, dc in each st to end, turn.

Row 5 (inc) Ch3, tr in base of ch, 1 (3: 1: 3)tr, cb5, pc5, (cb5) 4 (4: 6: 6) times, pc5, cb5, 1 (3: 1: 3)tr, 2tr in last st, turn. [46 (50: 56: 60) sts]

Row 6 Ch1, dc in each st to end, turn.

Row 7 Ch3, 2 (4: 2: 4)tr, cb5, pc5, (cb5) 4 (4: 6: 6) times, pc5, cb5, 2 (4: 2: 4)tr, turn.

Row 8 Ch1, dc in each st to end, turn.

Cont increasing as above by 1 st at each end of every 4th row, until there are 62 (68: 74: 80) sts. When your increasing gives you further tr sts at the beg and end of the rows, you can incorporat­e these into the pattern.

Cont until Sleeve measures 47cm.


Next row Ss across 6 sts, ch3, patt to last 5 sts, turn leaving rem sts unworked. [52 (58: 64: 70) sts]

Next row Ch1, dc to end, turn.

Next row (dec) Ch3, tr2tog, work in patt to last 2 sts, tr2tog, turn. [50 (56: 62: 68) sts]

Next row (dec) Ch1, dc2tog, work in patt to last 2 sts, dc2tog, turn. [48 (54: 60: 66) sts]

Rep the last 2 rows 3 (4: 5: 6) more times.

[36 (38: 40: 42 sts]

Next row (dec) Ch1, dc2tog, 1 (2: 3: 4)dc, 5htr, work in patt for 20 sts, 5htr, 1 (2: 3: 4)dc, dc2tog, turn. [34 (36: 38: 40) sts]

Next row (dec) Ch1, dc2tog, work in patt to last 2 sts, dc2tog. [32 (34: 36: 38) sts]

Fasten off.


Sew shoulder seams together.

Using a 3.5mm hook, rejoin yarn at Right Front neckline edge with RS facing.

Row 1 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as st throughout), 5dc, then 12dc evenly up Right Front neck, 5dc down Back neck, then dc across 24 sts at neck, 5dc up Left Back neck, then 12dc evenly down Left Front neck, 5dc across Left Front, turn. [68 sts]

Row 2 Ch3, dtr in each st to end, turn.

Row 3 Ch1, 4dc, dc3tog, 12dc, (dc2tog) twice, 22dc, (dc2tog) twice, 12dc, dc3tog, dc to end. Break yarn. [60 sts]


Using a 3.25mm hook, join yarn to bottom of Left Front, with WS of work facing.

Row 1 (WS) Ch1 (does not count as st throughout), dc in row ends from hem to neckline, working 1dc in each dc row end, 4dc in the ttr row end, and 2dc in each tr row end, turn.

Row 2 Ch4, ttr in each st to end, turn.

Row 3 Ch1, dc in each st to end, turn. Change to a 3.5mm hook.

Row 4 Ss in each st to end.

Fasten off.

Repeat for Right Front, joining the yarn at the neck edge with WS facing.


Sew in Sleeves, sew side and underarm Sleeve seams. Sew buttons evenly along Left Front edge, using ttr sts on Right Front edge as buttonhole­s. Weave in all ends.

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? To make this pattern easier to follow, we’ve colour-coded the sizing instructio­ns – simply follow the relevant column.
To make this pattern easier to follow, we’ve colour-coded the sizing instructio­ns – simply follow the relevant column.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Bust width a: 44 (49: 54: 59)cm 17 (19 : 21 : 23 )in
Length b: 50.5 (52: 54: 55.5)cm 19  (20 : 21: 21 )in
Sleeve Length c: 47 (47: 47: 47)cm 18  (18 : 18 : 18 )in
Bust width a: 44 (49: 54: 59)cm 17 (19 : 21 : 23 )in Length b: 50.5 (52: 54: 55.5)cm 19 (20 : 21: 21 )in Sleeve Length c: 47 (47: 47: 47)cm 18 (18 : 18 : 18 )in
 ??  ?? The lacy, grid-like stitch pattern is made of groups of five stitches worked as cables or popcorn
The lacy, grid-like stitch pattern is made of groups of five stitches worked as cables or popcorn
 ??  ?? Begin the sleeves at the hem with a row of double crochet followed by triple trebles
Begin the sleeves at the hem with a row of double crochet followed by triple trebles
 ??  ?? As there are no buttonhole­s to mark position, use a tape measure to place buttons evenly
As there are no buttonhole­s to mark position, use a tape measure to place buttons evenly

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