Simply Crochet


Love lavender in this fragrant design by Catalina Ungureanu


The rich purple used in this stunning design will add warmth and sweet memories of lavender elds to your home.


Blanket is worked in the mosaic technique. Change colour every 2 rows unless otherwise stated. You can carry the unused colours up the sides of your work as this will be hidden by the Border.

There is a Chart on page 96, which you will need to refer to when making this Blanket. Each row on the Chart should be worked twice: once from right to left and once from left to right. Each plain small square represent 1dc. Where a second colour appears in a row, skip those sts and make a ch for each skipped st plus one. On the next row in a new colour work a tr3d in front of the ch-sps and into the skipped sts 3 rows below.

The first few rows of the Chart have been written out to guide you.

Dessert Rose is referred to as Yarn A throughout. Yarn B will refer to one of the rem colours and will be indicated in each pattern repeat.


Using Yarn A, ch144.

Row 1 (RS) Dc in second ch from hook and each ch across, turn. [143 dc]

Row 2 (WS) Ch1 (does not count as st throughout), dc in each st across, turn.

Row 3 Ch1, dc in first st, *ch2, skip 1 dc, dc in next 2 dc, ch3, skip 2 dc, dc in next dc, ch3, skip 2 dc, dc in next 2 dc; rep from * 13 times more, ch2, skip 1 dc, dc in last st, turn.

Row 4 Ch1, dc in first st, *ch2, skip ch-sp, (dc in each st to next ch-sp, ch3, skip ch-sp) twice, dc in each st to next ch-sp; rep from * across to final st, dc in final st, turn.

For Rows 5-54 Yarn B refers to Seabreeze. Change to Yarn B.

Row 5 Ch1, dc in first st, *tr3d, dc in next 2 sts, 2tr3d, ch2, skip 1 st, 2tr3d, dc in next 2 sts; repeat from * across to final 2 sts, tr3d, dc in final st, turn.

Row 6 Ch1, dc in first st, (dc in each st to ch-2 sp, ch2, skip ch-sp) rep across to end, turn.

Rows 7-36 Cont in pattern using the Chart for all colour changes.

Rows 37-224 Rep Rows 5-36 of the chart using the foll colours:

For Rows 55-110 Yarn B refers to Sunrise.

For Rows 111-170 Yarn B refer to Watergrass. For Rows 171-224 Yarn B refer to Watermill. End on a Row 32 repeat.

Fasten off all colours except Watermill. Row 225 Ch1, (dc in each st to ch-sp, tr3d in each skipped st) rep across to end, turn.

Rows 226-227 Ch1, dc in each st across, turn. Fasten off.


The Border is worked using all 4 Yarn B colours; use 2 on each round.

Round 1 (RS) With RS facing, join any Yarn B colour in first st of Row 227, ch1, 3dc in same st (mark centre st), dc in each st across to last st, 3dc in last st (mark centre st), rotate to work into row-ends, (dc in next 3 row-ends, skip next row-end) across to next corner, change colour, rotate to work into starting ch, 3dc in first ch (mark centre st), dc in each ch across to last ch, 3dc in last ch (mark centre st), rotate to work into row-ends, (dc in next 3 row-ends, skip next row-end) across to next corner, ss to beg dc. Fasten off. Round 2 Join next colour around post of first st, (BPdc around each st to marked st, 3dc in marked st) rep around changing colour to the fourth colour after 2 sides have been worked, ss to beg dc.

Fasten off and weave in all ends.

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 ??  ?? The intricate colourwork is made using the mosaic crochet technique
The intricate colourwork is made using the mosaic crochet technique

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