Simply Knitting



Cast on 48 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 K7, P1, (K10, P1) 3 times, K7. Row 2 P7, K1, (P10, K1) 3 times, P7. Row 3 K5, (k2tog, P1, sl1, K1, psso, K6) 3 times, k2tog, P1, sl1, K1, psso, K5. [40 sts] Row 4 P6, (K1, P8) 3 times, K1, P6. Row 5 K4, (k2tog, P1, sl1, K1, psso, K4) 4 times. [32 sts] Row 6 P5, (K1, P6) 3 times, K1, P5. Row 7 K5, (P1, K6) 3 times, P1, K5. Row 8 P5, (K1, P6) 3 times, K1, P5. Row 9 K3, (k2tog, P1, sl1, K1, psso, K2) 3 times, k2tog, P1, sl1, K1, psso, K3. [24 sts] Row 10 P4, (K1, P4) 4 times. Row 11 K4, (P1, K4) 4 times. Row 12 P4, (K1, P4) 4 times. Row 13 K4, P1, K2, (k2tog, P1, sl1, K1, psso) twice, K2, P1, K4. [20 sts] Row 14 P4, K1, P3, K1, P2, K1, P3, K1, P4. Row 15 K2, k2tog, P1, K1, k2tog, P1, k2tog, P1, sl1, K1, psso, K1, P1, sl1, K1, psso, K2. [15 sts] Row 16 P3, K1, P2, K1, P1, K1, P2, K1, P3. Row 17 (K2tog) 3 times, sl1, k2tog, psso, (k2tog) 3 times. Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining stitches and through the loop of the yarn itself. Draw up the knitting tightly and finish off. With RS together, sew the row ends together, turn RS out and stuff. With the seam at the centre bottom of the cone, attach the nose cone to the tea cosy. The cone should be in the centre of the cosy front, with the bottom edge of the cone resting on top of the garter- stitch border. The top of the cone should be on the fourth row down from the inverted row of the main cosy. Sew into place.

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