Simply Knitting



Cast on 6 sts using 4mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 *Inc 1; rep from * to end. [12 sts] Starting with a purl row work 15 rows st st. Row 17 *K2tog; rep from * to end. [6 sts] Thread the end of the yarn through the remaining stitches and through the loop of the yarn itself. Draw up the knitting tightly and finish off. With RS together, sew the row ends together, turn RS out and stuff. Sew a row of running stitches along cast- on edge and draw up to make a sausage shape. With the Back Fin in an elevated position, pin and sew the back fin support to the centre point directly under the back fin to hold it in place. The Back Fin can now be lowered down on to the support in the final position.

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