Simply Knitting



Row 7 *K2, P1, rep from * to last 2 sts, K1, turn. Row 8 Sl1, *K1, P2; rep from * to end. Row 9 K2, *P1, K2; rep from * to last 3 sts, turn. Row 10 Sl1 wyif, P1, *K1, P2: rep from * to end. Row 11 (K2, P1) 4 times, turn. Row 12 Sl1 wyif, P2, K1, P2, drop st, P2, K1, P2. Row 13 (K2, P1) 3 times, K1, turn. Row 14 Sl1, *K1, P2; rep from * to end. Row 15 K2, (P1, K2) twice, turn. Row 16 Sl1 wyif, P1, * K1, P2; rep from * to end. Row 17 (K2, P1) twice, turn. Row 18 Sl1 wyif, P2, drop st, P2. Row 19 K2, P1, K2, sl1, pick up bar between sts with RH needle from front to back and P it tog with slipped st, turn. Row 20 Sl1 wyif, P2, K1, P2. Row 21 (K2, P1) twice, sl1, pick up bar between sts with RH needle from back to front and K it tog with sl st, turn. Row 22 Sl1, (K1, P2) twice. Row 23 (K2, P1) twice, K1, sl1 pick up bar between sts with RH needle from back to

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