Simply Knitting

Moroccan tiles

Bring the feeling of dining al fresco indoors with this cool mosaic table runner – it’s a real joy to knit!



Lily Sugar’n Cream (100% acrylic, 70.9g/109m), 5 balls of each: Yarn A Overcast (01042) Yarn B Soft Ecru (01004) 3 balls of Yarn C Seabreeze (01201) A pair of 4 mm needles Stitch markers For yarn stockists contact Readicut 01162 713759


Yarn used knits as aran to this tension: 20 sts and 26 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over st st using 4 mm needles


Approx 40.5cm wide x 198cm long


Sl1pw wyib Slip next stitch purlwise with yarn at back Sl1pw wyif Slip next stitch purlwise with yarn in front For a full list see page 95 in the main magazine Tempting textures and cool, fresh colours make this table runner a must-knit for the season ahead. Clever slip stitches and squishy garter stitch create an irresistib­le fabric to embellish your table – or you can make a friend’s day by knitting it in their favourite colours. Those smart stitches also help keep the runner from sliding about too much! Don’t be fooled by those waves either – each row only uses one colour, the effect created is down to those slip stitches we mentioned. Take on a fun challenge with this satisfying knit.


Cast on Yarn C. Work 3 rows garter st (knit every row), noting first row is WS. Using Yarn A, knit 2 rows, inc 5 sts evenly across last row. [75 sts] Place marker at end of last row. **Proceed in patt as follows: Row 1 (RS) With Yarn B, K3, *sl1pw wyib, K3; rep from * to end of row. Row 2 With Yarn B, K3. *sl1pw wyif, K3; rep from * to end of row. Row 3 With Yarn A, K1, *sl1pw wyib, K3; rep from * to last 2 sts, sl1pw wyib, K1. Row 4 With Yarn A, K1, *sl1pw wyif, K3; rep from * to last 2 sts, sl1pw wyif, K1.** Rep last 4 rows until work from marked row measures approx 10cm, ending on a row 4 of patt. 70 sts using 4 mm needles and Cont as folls: In Yarn A, knit 2 rows. In Yarn C, knit 2 rows. In Yarn A, knit 2 rows. In Yarn B, knit 2 rows, dec 3 sts evenly across last row. [72 sts] Work Chart rows 1- 40, reading RS rows from right to left and WS rows from left to right. These 40 rows form Mosaic Chart Patt. Work a further 40 rows in Mosaic Chart Patt (80 rows total). Cont as folls: In Yarn A, knit 2 rows. In Yarn C, knit 2 rows. In Yarn A, knit 2 rows, inc 3 sts evenly across last row. [75 sts] Place a marker at end of last row. Rep from ** to **. Rep last 4 rows until work from last marked row measures approx 132cm, ending on a 4th row of patt. Cont as folls: In Yarn A, knit 2 rows. In Yarn C, knit 2 rows. In Yarn A, knit 2 rows. In Yarn B, knit 2 rows, dec 3 sts evenly across last row. [72 sts] Work a further 80 rows in Mosaic Chart Patt. Cont as folls: In Yarn A, knit 2 rows. In Yarn C, knit 2 rows. In Yarn A, knit 2 rows, inc 3 sts evenly across last row. [75 sts] Place a marker at end of last row. Rep from ** to **. Rep last 4 rows until work from last marked row measures approx 10cm, ending on a row 4 of patt. Using Yarn A, knit 2 rows, dec 5 sts evenly across first row. [70 sts] Using Yarn C, knit 3 rows. Cast off knitwise.


With RS facing and using Yarn C, pick up and knit 335 sts evenly across side edge of Runner. Knit 2 rows. Cast off knitwise. Rep along opposite side edge.

 ??  ?? Made to last, this yarn will keep your table looking smart!
Made to last, this yarn will keep your table looking smart!
 ??  ??

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