Simply Knitting

Quick decoration­s

Irresistib­le knits to make you smile.


Refreshing your tree decoration­s can be a time- consuming and costly affair and brash baubles and gaudy tinsel in the shops can often seem too much. Thankfully, it won’t take too long for you to knit your own set of sweet decoration­s, especially when they are as amusing to make as these! Worked in just garter and stocking stitch, you’ll have huge fun with their sparkly colours and simple shapes.


(MAKE 2) Cast on 5 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A. Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) to end. [10 sts] Row 2 and all alt rows Purl. Row 3 (Kfb) to end. [20 sts] Row 5 *Kfb, K2, kfb; rep from * to end. [30 sts] Row 7 *Kfb, K4, kfb; rep from * to end. [40 sts] Row 9 *Kfb, K6, kfb; rep from * to end. [50 sts] Row 11 *Kfb, K8, kfb; rep from * to end. [60 sts] **Row 13 K12, turn. On these 12 sts only: Row 14 Purl to end. Row 15 K2togtbl, K8, k2tog. [10 sts] Row 17 K2togtbl, K6, k2tog. [8 sts] Row 19 K2togtbl, K4, k2tog. [6 sts] Row 21 K2togtbl, K2, k2tog. [4 sts] Row 22 Purl to end. Cast off rem 4 sts.** With the RS facing, rejoin the yarn to the rem sts. Rep from ** to ** 4 more times.


Cast on 5 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn B. Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) to end. [10 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows. Row 5 (K2tog) to end. [5 sts] B&T.


(MAKE 2) Cast on 8 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn C. B&T.


When adding small features, (e.g. eyes and noses), use a matching sewing thread rather than yarn to sew items on, for neatness. On each Star piece, sew a running stitch through the cast- on stitches and pull the thread up tightly to close the cast- on edge. Join the main seam from this point up to where the ‘arms’ divide from the body. On the wrong side, sew the two Star pieces together, leaving a small gap for turning and stuffing. Turn and stuff lightly. Close the gap. Sew the side seam of the Nose, and stuff, leaving the cast- on edge open. Sew the cast- on edge to the centre of one side of the Star. Using Yarn B, embroider a wide semi- circular smile below the Nose. (Make sure that the mouth is below the Nose opposite one ‘arm’.) Join the side seams of the Eyes to create flat circles. Sew to the face above and either side of the Nose. Take a short (25cm) length of Yarn A and sew it through the top ‘arm’. Knot the yarn near to where it is attached to the star, and then at the end to form a loop.


(MAKE 2) Cast on 22 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn D. Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) twice, K8, (kfb) twice, K8, (kfb) twice. [28 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows. Row 5 K2togtbl, K to the last 2 sts, k2tog. [2 sts dec’d] Row 6 Purl. Rep Rows 5 & 6, 3 more times. [20 sts] Row 13 Cast on 3 sts. K these 3 sts, then k2togtbl, K to end of row. [22 sts] Row 14 Cast on 3 sts. P these 3 sts, then p2tog, P to end of row. [24 sts] Rep Rows 5 & 6, 5 times. [14 sts] Row 25 Cast on 3 sts. K these 3 sts, then k2togtbl, K to end of row. [16 sts] Row 26 Cast on 3 sts. P these 3 sts, then p2tog, P to end of row. [18 sts] Rep Rows 5 & 6 until 4 sts rem, ending on a P row. Cast off.


Make exactly the same as for the Star.


(MAKE 4 EACH IN YARNS A, B & E) Cast on 10 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn A, B or E as required. B&T.


With WS facing join the two main pieces, leaving a small gap for turning and stuffing. Turn, stuff lightly and close the gap. Make up the Nose and Eyes as for the Star, and sew onto the centre of the Tree, making a similar face to that of the Star. Join the side seam of the Baubles, creating a flat circle. Sew them randomly on the front and back of the Tree. Make a hanging thread for the top of the Tree as for the Star using Yarn D.


(MAKE 2) Cast on 14 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn F. Row 1 (RS) Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [16 sts] Row 2 and all alt rows Purl. Row 3 Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [18 sts] Row 5 Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [20 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 11 rows. Row 17 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [18 sts] Row 18 and all alt rows Purl. Row 19 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [16 sts] Row 21 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [14 sts] Row 23 Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [16 sts] Row 25 Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [18 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 7 rows. Row 33 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [16 sts] Row 34 and all alt rows Purl. Row 35 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [14 sts] Row 37 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [12 sts] Row 39 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [10 sts] Row 40 Purl. Cast off.


(MAKE 4) Cast on 4 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn F. Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) to end. [8 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 9 rows. Cast off.


Make as for the Star.


Cast on 5 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn G. Knit 140 rows. Cast off.


Sew the two main pieces together, leaving a gap at the top of the head for turning and stuffing. Turn and stuff lightly, then close the gap. Sew a running stitch using Yarn F around the first row below the increase row for the head, pull the thread up slightly to shape the neck. Make up the Nose and Eyes in exactly the same way as for the Star, and sew onto the centre of the face, making a similar face to that of the Star. Join 2 Arm pieces together, leaving the cast- off edges open. Stuff lightly then sew the cast- off edge of each Arm to the sides of the Snowman, just below the neck. Neaten the ends of the scarf, then wrap it around the neck of the Snowman, crossing the scarf at the front. Catch in place using Yarn G. Make a hanging thread in the same way as for the Star using Yarn F.


(MAKE 2)


Cast on 5 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn F. Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) to end. [10 sts] Row 2 and all alt rows Purl. Row 3 Knit. Break off Yarn F & join in Yarn H. Beg with a P row, work in st st for 7 rows. Break off yarn and leave these sts to one side. Make a second leg exactly the same as the First Leg. Break off Yarn H and join in Yarn F.

Row 11 Knit across the sts of the second leg and then the sts from the First Leg. [20 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 5 rows.

Row 17 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [18 sts] Row 18 and all alt rows Purl. Row 19 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [16 sts] Row 21 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [14 sts] Break off Yarn F. Join in Yarn H.

Row 23 Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [16 sts] Row 25 Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [18 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 7 rows.

Row 33 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [16 sts] Row 34 and all alt rows Purl. Row 35 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [14 sts] Row 37 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [12 sts] Row 39 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [10 sts] Row 40 Purl. Cast off.


Make as the Arms for the Snowman, using Yarn H.


Make as for the Star.


Cast on 42 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn F. Row 1 (RS) (K1, kfb) to end of row. [63 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 7 rows. Knit 3 rows. Cast off knitwise.


Cast on 10 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn E. Row 1 (RS) Kfb, K to end of row. [11 sts] Rep Row 1 until there are 32 sts on the needle. *Row 23 K16, turn. Working on these 16 sts only: Row 24 Knit. Row 25 K2tog, K to end of row. Rep Row 25 until there are 6 sts left. Cast off these 6 sts.** With right side facing, rejoin the yarn to the rem 16 sts. Rep from * to **.


Sew the two main pieces together, leaving a small gap at the top of the head for turning and stuffing. Turn and stuff lightly, then close the gap. Sew a running stitch using Yarn F around the first row below the increase row for the head, pull the thread up slightly to shape the neck. Make up the Nose and Eyes as for the Star, and sew onto the centre of the face, making a similar face to that of the Star. Join 2 Arm pieces together, leaving the cast- off edges open. Stuff lightly then sew the cast- off edge of each Arm to the sides of the body, just below the neck. Cut 40 20cm lengths of Yarn A for the hair. Sew the centre of the lengths to the top of the head, starting at the centre top of the head and working down the back of the head. Using a further length of Yarn A tie the hair in bunches on either side of the head, level with the neck row. Sew the side seam of the Skirt. Sew the cast on edge of the Skirt around the body just below the Arms. Sew the cast on edge of the Wings to the centre back. Catch the Wings to the top of the head and to the Arms. Using Yarn E make a hanging thread as for the Star.


(MAKE 2)


Cast on 5 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn C. Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) to end of row. [10 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 4 rows. Break off Yarn C and join in Yarn B. Beg with a P row, work in st st for 5 rows. Break off the yarn and leave these sts to one side. Make a second leg exactly the same as the First Leg.

Row 11 Knit across the sts of the second leg and then the sts from the First Leg. [20 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 5 rows.

Row 17 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [18 sts] Row 18 and all alt rows Purl. Row 19 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [16 sts] Row 21 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [14 sts] Break off B. Join in Yarn H.

Row 23 Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [16 sts] Row 25 Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [18 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 7 rows.

Row 33 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [16 sts] Row 34 and all alt rows Purl. Row 35 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [14 sts] Row 37 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [12 sts] Row 39 K2togtbl, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [10 sts] Row 40 Purl. Cast off.


(MAKE 4) Cast on 4 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn H. Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) to end of row. [8 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 2 rows. Break off Yarn H and join in Yarn B. Work 7 rows more in st st. Cast off.


Make exactly the same as for the Star.


Cast on 36 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn F. Knit 2 rows. Break off Yarn F and join in Yarn B. Beg with a K row, work in st st for 4 rows. Row 7 (K4, k2tog) to end of row. [30 sts] Row 8 and all alt rows Purl. Row 9 (K3, k2tog) to end of row. [24 sts] Row 11 (K2, k2tog) to end of row. [18 sts] Row 13 (K1, k2tog) to end of row. [12 sts] Row 15 (K2tog) to end of row. [6 sts] Row 16 Purl. Break off Yarn B and rejoin Yarn F. Row 17 Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [8 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows. B&T.


Cast on 5 sts using 3mm needles and

Yarn F. Knit 50 rows. Cast off.


Cast on 40 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn C. Beg with a K row, work in st st for 2 rows. Cast off.


Make up the main body, Arms and face as for the Angel. Join the main seam of the Hat, then sew the Hat around the top of the head. Sew the Beard around the face. Join the seam of the Belt. Sew the Belt around the tummy. Using Yarn A, embroider a square buckle around the centre front of the Belt. Using Yarn B, make a hanging thread as for the Star.


(MAKE 2)


Cast on 5 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn D. Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) to end of row. [10 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 4 rows. Break off Yarn D and join in Yarn G. Beg with a P row, work in st st for 5 rows. Break off the yarn and leave these sts to one side. Make a second leg exactly the same as the First Leg. Work as for Rows 11– 40 of Father Christmas, using Yarn G for Rows 11–22.


(MAKE 4) Cast on 4 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn H. Row 1 (RS) (Kfb) to end of row. [8 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 2 rows. Break off Yarn H and join in Yarn G. Work 7 rows more in st st. Cast off


Make as for the Star.


Cast on 36 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn G. Knit 2 rows. (First row is RS.) Break off Yarn G and join in Yarn D. Beg with a K row, work in st st for 4 rows. Row 7 (K4, k2tog) to end of row. [30 sts] Row 8 and all alt rows Purl. Row 9 (K3, k2tog) to end of row. [24 sts]

Row 11 (K2, k2tog) to end of row. [18 sts] Row 13 (K1, k2tog) to end of row. [12 sts] Row 15 (K2tog) to end of row. [6 sts]

Row 16 Purl. Break off Yarn D and rejoin Yarn G.

Row 17 Kfb, K to last st, kfb. [8 sts] Beg with a P row, work in st st for 3 rows. B&T.


Cast on 40 sts using 3mm needles and Yarn D. Beg with a K row, work in st st for 2 rows. Cast off.


Cast on 10 sts using Yarn D and 3mm needles. B&T.


Make up the main body, Arms and face as for the Angel. Join the main seam of the Hat, then sew the Hat around the top of the head. Join the seam of the Belt. Sew the Belt around the tummy. Using Yarn E, embroider a square buckle around the centre front of the Belt. Join the side seam of the Button to make a flat circle. Sew the Button on the centre front of the chest. Embroider a large cross on top of the Button in Yarn E. Using Yarn D, make a hanging thread as for the Star.

 ??  ?? Our snowman’s bright green scarf is made up of five stitches and 140 rows of garter stitch. We wish all scarves were as quick!
Our snowman’s bright green scarf is made up of five stitches and 140 rows of garter stitch. We wish all scarves were as quick!
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The classic star shape is created with a traditiona­l pattern of simple increases and decreases.
The classic star shape is created with a traditiona­l pattern of simple increases and decreases.
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? MEET OUR DESIGNER Ann Franklin “I hadn’t intended to make decora ons with clown noses, but once I’d given the star a big red nose, I knew I simply had to include it on all the others.”
MEET OUR DESIGNER Ann Franklin “I hadn’t intended to make decora ons with clown noses, but once I’d given the star a big red nose, I knew I simply had to include it on all the others.”
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? To create Father Christmas’s belt simply cast on 40 stitches and st st two rows.
To create Father Christmas’s belt simply cast on 40 stitches and st st two rows.
 ??  ?? Take care applying your facial features so that all your decoration­s look the same.
Take care applying your facial features so that all your decoration­s look the same.
 ??  ?? Choose your favourite colour scheme and create your bauble colours accordingl­y.
Choose your favourite colour scheme and create your bauble colours accordingl­y.

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