Simply Knitting

Sunny days


Make a statement with this bold cushion and bring some sunshine into your life, no matter what the weather. This gorgeous cushion is perfect for taking along to a picnic or jazzing up the sofa at home. Knitted in eight separate pieces that are seamed and stuffed afterwards, this is great simple knitting for your daily commute or while watching TV!


Cast on 50 sts using 5mm DPNs and Yarn A. Join in the round taking care not to twist the sts. Rounds 1– 8 Knit. Round 9 (K10, M1) five times. [55 sts] Rounds 10–12 Knit. Round 13 (K11, M1) five times. [60 sts] Rounds 14–16 Knit. Round 17 (K12, M1) five times. [65 sts] Rounds 18–20 Knit. Round 21 (K13, M1) five times. [70 sts] Rounds 22–24 Knit. Round 25 (K14, M1) five times. [75 sts] Rounds 26–28 Knit. Round 29 (K15, M1) five times. [80 sts] Rounds 30–32 Knit. Round 33 (K16, M1) five times. [85 sts] Rounds 34–36 Knit. Round 37 K42, k2tog, K41. [84 sts] Round 38 (K15, ssk, K2, CDD, K2, k2tog, K16) twice. [76 sts] Round 39 Knit. Round 40 (K13, ssk, K2, CDD, K2, k2tog, K14) twice. [68 sts] Round 41 Knit. Round 42 (K11, ssk, K2, CDD, K2, k2tog, K12) twice. [60 sts] Round 43 Knit. Round 44 (K9, ssk, K2, CDD, K2, k2tog, K10) twice. [52 sts] Round 45 Knit. Next round K13, slip the next 26 sts onto one DPN, slip the following 13 and the 13 you have just knitted onto another DPN. Kitchener stitch top of Petal closed.


Cast on 8 sts using 5mm DPNs and Yarn B. Join into the round taking care not to twist the sts. Round 1 Knit into the back of each st. Round 2 *K1, M1; rep from * to end. [16 sts] Round 3 and every foll alt row Knit. Round 4 *K2, M1; rep from * to end. [24 sts] Round 6 *K3, M1; rep from * to end. [32 sts] Round 8 *K4, M1; rep from * to end. [40 sts] Round 10 *K5, M1; rep from * to end. [48 sts] Round 12 *K6, M1; rep from * to end. [56 sts] Round 14 *K7, M1; rep from * to end. [64 sts] Round 16 *K8, M1; rep from * to end. [72 sts] Round 18 *K9, M1; rep from * to end. [80 sts] Round 20 *K10, M1; rep from * to end. [88 sts] Round 22 *K11, M1; rep from * to end. [96 sts] Round 24 *K12, M1; rep from * to end. [104 sts] Rounds 25–29 Knit. Cast off.


Weave in ends. For the Cushion Centre with WS facing sew both cast- off edges together, leaving a small opening to stuff. Stuff firmly and close opening. For the Petals stuff Petals firmly, arrange around the Centre cushion and pin in place. Sew in place, adding more stuffing before closing the join in each Petal. If you would prefer a sturdier flower you could sew up the opening on each Petal before sewing them onto the Centre piece.

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 ??  ?? Sew up the cushion centre and then add each petal individual­ly, stuffing as you go.
Sew up the cushion centre and then add each petal individual­ly, stuffing as you go.

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