Simply Knitting

Roll-neck cable top

Cast on your first cable garment and extend those knitting skills with Siân Brown’s gorgeous top.


Spring softness is hard to beat, especially when it comes in the form of this gorgeous short-sleeved top by Siân Brown. Designed with a deep roll neck and stylish panel, this achievable classic is a great first-time cable knit. Its yarn mix of wool and nylon generates a skin-friendly finish you really won’t want to take off at the end of the day.


Row 1 K2, P8, C4B, P8, K2.

Row 2 P2, K8, P4, K8, P2.

Row 3 (T4F, P4, T4B) twice.

Row 4 K2, (P2, K4) 3 times, P2, K4. Row 5 P2, T4F, T4B, P4, T4F, T4B, P2. Row 6 (K4, P4, K4) twice.

Row 7 P4, C4B, P8, C4F, P4.

Row 8 (K4, P4, K4) twice.

Row 9 (P2, T4B, T4F, P2) twice.

Row 10 (K2, P8, K2) twice.

Row 11 (T4B, K4, T4F) twice.

Row 12 (P2, K8, P2) twice.

Rows 1-12 set Cable Panel Pattern.


Cast on 72 (76: 80: 84: 88: 92: 96: 100) sts using 6 mm needles.

Row 1 (RS) K3, *P2, K2; rep from * to last st, K1.

Row 2 P3, *K2, P2; rep from * to last st, P1.

Cont in rib until work meas 3cm from cast-on edge, ending after WS row.

Change to 7mm needles and, beg with a RS (knit) row, cont in st st until work meas 40 (40: 40: 40: 39: 39: 39: 39)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Cast off 3 (3: 3: 3: 4: 4: 4: 5) sts at beg of next 2 rows.

[66 (70: 74: 78: 80: 84: 88: 90) sts]

Next row K2, ssk, K to last 4 sts, k2tog, K2. [64 (68: 72: 76: 78: 82: 86: 88) sts] Dec as set by last row at each end of 4 (4: 2: 2: 2: 2: 1: 2) foll 4th rows and then on 14 (15: 19: 20: 21: 22: 25: 24) foll RS rows to 28 (30: 30: 32: 32: 34: 34: 36) sts, ending after a WS row.

Cast off rem 28 (30: 30: 32: 32: 34: 34:

36) sts.


Cast on 70 (78: 78: 86: 86: 94: 94: 102) sts using 6 mm needles.

Row 1 (RS) K3, (P2, K2) 8 (9: 9: 10: 10: 11: 11: 12) times, (K2, P2) 8 (9: 9: 10: 10: 11: 11: 12) times, K3.

Row 2 P3, (K2, P2) 8 (9: 9: 10: 10: 11: 11: 12) times, (P2, K2) 8 (9: 9: 10: 10: 11: 11: 12) times, P3.

Cont in rib as set until you have worked one fewer rib row than on Back, ending after a RS row.

Next row (WS) Rib 24 (28: 28: 32: 32: 36: 36: 40), M1 (0: 1: 0: 1: 0: 1: 0), (rib 4, M1) twice, rib 6, (M1, rib 4) twice, M1 (0: 1: 0: 1: 0: 1: 0), rib 24 (28: 28: 32: 32: 36: 36: 40). [76 (82: 84: 90: 92: 98: 100: 106) sts] Change to 7mm needles and beg Cable Panel as folls:

Row 1 (RS) K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), PM, work Row 1 from Cable Panel, PM, P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39).

Row 2 P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), sl SM, work Row 2 from Cable Panel, sl SM, K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39).

Row 3 K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), sl SM, work Row 3 from

Cable Panel, sl SM, P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2),

K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39).

Row 4 P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), sl SM, work Row 4 from Cable Panel, sl SM, K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39).

Row 5 K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), sl SM, work Row 5 from Cable Panel, sl SM, P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39).

Row 6 P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), sl SM, work Row 6 from Cable Panel, sl SM, K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39).

Row 7 K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), sl SM, work Row 7 from Cable Panel, sl SM, P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39).

Row 8 P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), sl SM, work Row 8 from Cable Panel, sl SM, K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39).

Row 9 K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), sl SM, work Row 9 from Cable Panel, sl SM, P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39).

Row 10 P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), sl SM, work Row 10 from Cable Panel, sl SM, K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39).

Row 11 K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), sl SM, work Row 11 from Cable Panel, sl SM, P3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), K23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39).

Row 12 P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39), K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), sl SM, work Row 12 from Cable Panel, sl SM, K3 (2: 3: 2: 3: 2: 3: 2), P23 (27: 27: 31: 31: 35: 35: 39). These 12 rows set cable panel and st st.

Cont as set until Front meas 40 (40: 40: 40: 39: 39: 39: 39)cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Cast off 3 (3: 3: 3: 4: 4: 4: 5) sts at beg of next 2 rows.

[70 (76: 78: 84: 84: 90: 92: 96) sts]

Next row (RS) K2, ssk, K to last 4 sts, k2tog, K2.

[68 (74: 76: 82: 82: 88: 90: 94) sts]

Dec as set as each end of 4 (4: 2: 2: 2: 2: 1: 2) foll 4th rows and then on 6 (8: 11: 12: 12: 13: 15: 14) foll RS rows to 48 (50: 50: 54: 54: 58: 58: 62) sts, ending after a WS row.

Next row (RS) K2, ssk, 11 (11: 11: 13: 13: 14: 14: 15), cast off 18 (20: 20: 20: 20: 22: 22: 24) sts for front neck, K to last 4 sts, k2tog, K2.

Turn and cont on these last 14 (14: 14: 16:

16: 17: 17: 18) sts only.

Next row (WS) Purl.

Next row (RS) Ssk, patt to last 4 sts, k2tog, K2. [12 (12: 12: 14: 14: 15: 15: 16) sts]

Cont to dec as set at the raglan armhole edge of 6 (5: 6: 6: 7: 7: 8: 8) foll RS rows AT THE SAME TIME, dec at neck edge on 0 (3: 0: 4: 1: 3: 0: 2) foll RS rows and then on 3 (1: 3: 1: 3: 2: 4: 3) foll 4th rows. [3 sts]

Work 0 (0: 0: 2: 0: 0: 0: 0) rows straight. Cast off rem 3 sts.

With WS facing rejoin yarn to left shoulder sts and P to end.

Next row (RS) K2, ssk, K to last 2 sts, k2tog. [12 (12: 12: 14: 14: 15: 15: 16) sts] Next row Purl.

Complete to match right shoulder, reversing all shaping.

Cont to dec as set at the raglan armhole edge of 6 (5: 6: 6: 7: 7: 8: 8) foll RS rows AT THE SAME TIME, dec at neck edge on 0 (3: 0: 4: 1: 3: 0: 2) foll RS rows and then on 3 (1: 3: 1: 3: 2: 4: 3) foll 4th rows. [3 sts] Work 0 (0: 0: 1: 0: 0: 0: 0) rows straight. Cast off rem 3 sts.


Cast on 48 (50: 52: 54: 54: 58: 60: 60) sts using 6 mm needles.

Row 1 (RS) K2 (3: 2: 3: 3: 3: 2: 2), *P2, K2; rep from * to last 2 (3: 2: 3: 3: 3: 2: 2) sts, K2 (3: 2: 3: 3: 3: 2: 2).

Row 2 P2 (3: 2: 3: 3: 3: 2: 2), *K2, P2; rep from * to last 2 (3: 2: 3: 3: 3: 2: 2) sts, P2 (3: 2: 3: 3: 3: 2: 2).

Cont in rib as set until work meas 3cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.

Change to 7mm needles and beg with a RS (knit) row, cont straight in st st until work meas 14 (15: 15: 15: 16: 16: 16: 17)

cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.


Cast off 3 (3: 3: 3: 4: 4: 4: 5) sts at beg of next 2 rows.

[42 (44: 46: 48: 46: 50: 52: 50) sts]

Next row K2, ssk, K to last 4 sts, k2tog, K2. [40 (42: 44: 46: 44: 48: 50: 48) sts] Dec as set as each end of 7 (7: 6: 6: 10: 9: 9: 11) foll 4th rows and 8 (9: 11: 12: 6: 9: 10: 7) foll RS rows to 10 (10: 10: 10: 12: 12: 12: 12) sts, ending after a WS row. Cast off rem 10 (10: 10: 10: 12: 12: 12: 12) sts.


Join all raglan seams.

With RS facing and 6 mm circular needle, pick up and K8 (8: 8: 8: 10: 10: 10: 10) sts across left shoulder, 15 (15: 15: 16: 16: 16: 16: 18) sts down left front, 16 (18: 18: 18: 18: 20: 20: 22) across centre front cast off, 15 (15: 15: 16: 16: 16: 16: 18) sts up right front, and K8 (8: 8: 8: 10: 10: 10: 10) sts across right shoulder, and 26 (28: 28: 30: 30: 32: 32: 34) sts across back neck.

[88 (92: 92: 96: 100: 104: 104: 112) sts] Place marker and cont in the round. Round 1 *K2, P2; rep from * to end. Rep Round 1 until neck meas 26cm from picked-up edge.

Cast off loosely in rib.


Join sleeve and side seams.

Block gently to measuremen­ts, following any yarn care instructio­ns on the ball band.


Start at the bottom right-hand corner. Read right side rows from right to left and wrong side rows from left to right. A row of squares represents a row of knitting.

 ??  ?? MEET OUR DESIGNERSi­ân Brown“I wanted this garment to combine warmth and ligh ess and the yarn Sublime Willow works well with a simple quick-to-knit shape. The single large scale cable adds some interest.” This soft Merino wool is spun with nylon to make it super soft
MEET OUR DESIGNERSi­ân Brown“I wanted this garment to combine warmth and ligh ess and the yarn Sublime Willow works well with a simple quick-to-knit shape. The single large scale cable adds some interest.” This soft Merino wool is spun with nylon to make it super soft
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Snuggle down into the thick 2x2 ribbed collar with a deep turndown for extra cosiness!
Snuggle down into the thick 2x2 ribbed collar with a deep turndown for extra cosiness!
 ??  ?? Concentrat­e on getting your cable section perfect when working this soft wool top.
Concentrat­e on getting your cable section perfect when working this soft wool top.
 ??  ??

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